Friday 17 February 2017

Wednesday 16 November 2016

10 Reasons why shouldn`t have s*x before marriage,i swear number 1,7 and 9 will make you trying to avoid s*x

1. By not falling into "the s*x-trap" , you're building your psychological strength and self-esteem.
2. You will be setting an example for others, siblings, friends and people around you, showing them that s exual activity can be avoided.
3. You will be protecting your own reputation, no lady wants to be known as "Loose" or "Olosho", no guy wants the reputation of being a "Stud" or "Maniaks".

4. You will known for certain that he or she cares about you for who are and not just for your physical person.
5. You will be free to channel your energies into healthy activities such as Reading, Studies, Sports, etc.

6. The last buh not least... You will learn not confuse love with s* x. S *x can be spontaneous and brief (A One Night Stand).Love takes time to grow and lasts forever.

7. First of all, you won't ever have to worry about getting pregnant, you will never experience the fear and anxiety of having to tell your parents, "I'm pregnant.." or "I got my girlfriend pregnant".Pregnancy should be a happy announcement after marriage.
8. You will never have to worry about getting "STD"[S*xually Transmitted Disease].
9. You'll be free to grow emotionally, psychologically, intellectualy and spiritually.
10. You will feel good about yourself, knowing that you didn't give in to your partner pressure.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Please if you're experiencing this 5 things, you need to keep away from anything called relationship for now or you'll get more hurt in life,CLICK TO READ

Being in a relationship merely for the label that comes with it is wrong, very wrong. You can’t be in a relationship simply because you don’t like being single or because everyone around you seems to be having the time of their lives with someone while you’re sitting alone. There’s nothing wrong about being single, you shouldn’t need a relationship just for the heck of it or just to show it off to people that you’re not single anymore. Be single for as long as you want, and be committed to someone when you feel it, it’ll come naturally.

1. You’re too busy for someone:
This is an additional point to my previous point. If you think you’re someone who’s “too busy” in your life, make sure you’re not when you start seeing someone. When it comes to love and relationships, you just can’t tell someone you don’t have the time to see them or talk to them because you’re too busy with work or something else, that is more hurtful than most things in a relationship. Set your life straight, manage your time properly and be with someone when you’re definitive about giving time to them without any excuses. We are all busy in our lives, it’s all about priorities.
2. You’re forcing yourself:
If you feel like you’re forcing yourself into a relationship or for a relationship, you definitely don’t need to be in that relationship. We all have that gut feeling when we completely love someone and when we feel the love coming in. When you’re not completely sure, that uncertain feeling leads to rushing into a relationship or forcing yourself into one, which will only lead to bad things because your heart wasn’t completely in it to begin with.

3. You’re not ready to settle down as yet:
A lot of people are scared of commitments. Relationships require a lot of work, no relationship has worked out unless both people work hard enough on it or for it. It’s not easy being in love, they show it very differently in movies but the realities are completely different. When you start going out with someone, there are a lot of things that happen along with it. A lot of personal changes, a lot of lifestyle changes, a lot of sacrifice, I’m not saying it’s not good for you but some of you may not be comfortable with those things, so make sure you’re ready to commit before you actually commit.

4. You recently came out of a relationship:
This is the first and most important one of them all. If you just recently came out from a relationship, you need to give yourself some time. A lot of damage had been done and it takes months to properly heal yourself and not fall back into those dark memories and the sorrows of loss that come with them. Take time out for yourself, be with family, hang out with friends. Don’t jump the relationship wagon so soon, you won’t be able to give your 100% to someone and that won’t be fair to them at all. Only when you completely love yourself again is when you can finally date someone with everything you’ve got.
I was with someone like this once. The memories of her past relationship still kept haunting her and no matter how hard I tried, it didn’t work out in the end. Don’t be that person to someone, don’t give them a trauma because of your past. Save your energy and use it when you’re ready.

True Love! Pastor’s Daughter Bought Her Boyfriend A Brand New Car… For This Recession? He Almost Fainted!

An upcoming Port Harcourt based artiste, Kay Style took to his Instagram to show off the Lexus SUV his girlfriend of 4 years bought for him. You go, girl! Though, it looks more like a publicity stunt to me…

Graphic!! Doctors Remove Nails, Pens, Spoons, Woods & Metal Chains From a Woman’s Body… She Swallowed It Unintentionally

Doctors were left in shock after opening the stomach of a 43 years-old woman suffering psychic disorders, abdominal pain and vomiting for 10 days with a history of foreign body ingestion only to find nails, pens, spoon, woods, hair, metal chain and tooth brush.
According to Meddy Bear who shared the photos, the rare condition is called “Metalbezoar”.

Metal Bezoars are conglomerates of undigested organic matter, which forms a mass in the gastrointestinal tract. This report describes a patient who developed a gastric bezoar from ingesting a large number of metal objects in order to “treat” his pulmonary tuberculosis.
According to the report, when doctors opened the woman’s stomach, they discovered “nails, pens, spoon, woods, hair, metal chain and tooth brush” from the stomach. The woman was operated and finally set free medically.

video: Alicia Keys Says She Loves Wizkid In An Interview

Alicia Keys once again confirmed her love forWizkid’s music in an interview with Ebro on Beats 1 for Apple Music earlier this week.


Breaking!!! Missing Nigerian Photo Journalist, Yinka Adeparusi Found Dead… See Shocking Details Of His Death!

Naij announced in a statement published on its website that Mr. Adeparusi was killed in a motorcycle crash on Sunday, November 13th.
Read their statement below:
“NAIJ confirmed that he was involved in a motorcycle accident in Abuja and died on the spot,” the statement said.
Mr. Adeparusi left his residence in Abuja suburb of Kugbo on Sundayafternoon with a message that he will be back. But when he didn’t return, his neighbours and later his colleagues became worried, especially when they couldn’t reach him on the phone.

“This was quite unusual because Yinka was a soft-spoken, very professional and clear-headed individual; not the kind of person to wander off,” said.
Adeparusi graduated from Lagos State University School of Communication, where he bagged double honours in Photojournalism and Cinematography and minor in mass communication.
In 2013, he received the People’s Choice Award for Human Rights Photography in Africa, German Development Media Awards and was the winner of the photojournalism award of the 6th Wole Soyinka Award for Investigative Reporting.

comedy video: CrazeClown x Tegaa – #MannequinChallenge How Africans Celebrated Trumps Victory Announcement

SO HILARIOUS!!! 😂😭😭 House of Craze are always creative with anything trending, here is their Mannequin Challenge. download comedy video: CrazeClown x Tegaa – #MannequinChallenge How Africans Celebrated Trumps Victory Announcement


3 Ways to make romantic love to a woman and she will always want s*x only from you,Guys CLICK TO READ ..18+

How to make love to a woman, Romantically and Patiently. Take the time to make love to her mind Fulfill all of her midnight wishes Cover her entire body with soft wet kisses.

Tell her, so that she will know! There is no place on her body your tongue won`t go. And when you love a woman, you love her real slow. How do you make love to a woman, Passionately and Sincerely, Let her Sweetness become your Weakness Do not use just the %#&@$!(NEVER); But include your ear Listen to the sweet sound of her moans and see
what's you hear. Feel the warmth and care of her loving embrace Place your mouth on hers and savor the taste. How do you make love to a woman, Sensually and Honestly Say what you mean and mean what you say Tell her that you love her, more and more with each passing day Let all of the fantasies that dance in her head Become her moonlight reality when it`s time to go to bed. Kiss and lick all over her body until you find all her right spots Touch and caress her soft skin and make her real hot Mutual satisfaction is a lover`s plan Love her, cause you are in love with her

She`s your woman and you are her man. How do you make love to a woman? Lovingly and Completely: Love her until her Screams of Passion are all that you hear bleeps on her neck and stick your tongue in her ear Hold her soft round breast in the palm of your hands Let her se xual wishes become your loving commands.

Love your woman with your MIND,BODY, AND SOUL. She`s the most precious gift on the Earth. She`s worth her weight in gold. How do you make love to a Woman?

3 Ways to prevent unwanted preg*nant, If you can do number 3 you will never get preg*nant in boyfriend and girlfriend relationship,CLICK TO READ

About 85% of s**xually active women who do not use co*traceptives become pr*gnant within a year. A woman can become pr*gnant while bre*stfee*ding, from about 10 days after chi*d birth, and even during her m*nstrua tion.

1. Total Ab*tinen*ce
2. Use of contr*acep*tives
If you are s* xually active and do not want to get pr*egn*ant, always use contraception.
3. What you can do to avoid unwanted pr*gnancy. This guide will help inform you.

Don't give in to peer pressure. Many teenagers can feel left out/behind when their friends start to have boyfriends, or start having s*x. Those who have started to do these things early can often talk about it enough to make others feel left out. However, if you do stand your ground and wait until you know you are ready, you will be glad of it. It means you'll have waited for the right person and the right time.
Everyone develops at different rates, both physically and mentally, so don't feel that you should be racing your peers for things like having s*x and getting boyfriends.
Many of your peers will regret their choices in time. Others could even be lying.
Don't just start having s*x because other people are if you aren't ready to do it yourself.
Learn to say "No". This includes saying no to anything you feel uncomfortable with. Whether it's refusing to have a boyfriend, have any kind of physical contact, have s*x or have s*x without protection, there is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself.

The only 100% safe way to avoid pr*gnancy is to not have se)*x, so you shouldn't feel st*pid for not wanting to go through with something.
Know what will and won't result in pr*gnancy. With s*x in general, there are a lot of myths about what will get you pr*gnant and what will keep you from getting pr*gnant. A lot of these myths are simple misinformation, and some of them are lies designed to deceive you. Arm yourself with the facts and lower your chances of preg*:nancy the safe, smart way.
Unprotected v*ginal s*x has the highest likelihood of resulting in pr*gnancy. Male sperm fertilizes the fem*ale eg*g, resulting
in the growth of a fetus. Unprotected s*x also carries a high risk of dis*ase and infection.

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