Oath taking is a situation where two or more persons enter into a blood covenant to stand up for each other or keep something secret. But in a relationship, it’s when two teenagers or adults agreed to be together without backing out.
Is oath important in relationships?
I have heard many people say to their
partners, “if you love me please let’s have an oath”..especially from ladies.
Some ladies demand for oath when they feel insecure and scared of loosing a guy, while others seek for oath so as to scare the guys from looking at another feminine gender.
That is nonsense!
Why doubt a friend’s love and still went ahead demanding for oath, thinking that it scares everyone?
Someone that is meant for you will stay even without any oath taking; but when someone don’t love you, even okija shrine can’t hold him down for you because he will still go away after
the oath. Before considering taking oath, did you go for blood checkup to know if there’s no disease in his/her blood?
Sometimes people regret why taking the oath after finding out that there’s no way out because blood has been exchanged.
Sometimes, we hear people committing suicide because they saw it as the only means to break themselves loose.
Other times, we hear that someone killed his partner because they don’t want another person to have them.
Why all this myths?
This is 21st century where all this beliefs
should be dropped by the way side. Oath taking is a covenant and when you start feeling uncomfortable with it, next idea won’t be too nice.
Oath taking is a cage many have put themselves in and swallowed the key to unlock their freedom.
Oath taking is like a bottomless pit that you keep falling deeper daily..nothing is good about taking oaths.
Don’t force people to take an oath so as take prove how much they love you, look into their eyes and see it boldly written.
An old lady told her daughters, “if not the oath i took with him, i would have ended this relationship called hell”.
My dear brothers and sisters,
Pray for the right person and oath taking won’t cross your mind.
Anybody that demands an oath from you, wants to keep you as a prisoner.
Think about it.
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