2. You will be setting an example for others, siblings, friends and people around you, showing them that s exual activity can be avoided.
3. You will be protecting your own reputation, no lady wants to be known as "Loose" or "Olosho", no guy wants the reputation of being a "Stud" or "Maniaks".
5. You will be free to channel your energies into healthy activities such as Reading, Studies, Sports, etc.
7. First of all, you won't ever have to worry about getting pregnant, you will never experience the fear and anxiety of having to tell your parents, "I'm pregnant.." or "I got my girlfriend pregnant".Pregnancy should be a happy announcement after marriage.
8. You will never have to worry about getting "STD"[S*xually Transmitted Disease].
9. You'll be free to grow emotionally, psychologically, intellectualy and spiritually.
10. You will feel good about yourself, knowing that you didn't give in to your partner pressure.
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