Truly this may be the first time I have ever had to write the easiest yet most difficult blog I have ever written. How can I possibly put into words how I feel
about someone so pure, so beautiful, so full of life. It’s like, if my heart could be verbal for me that would be great. Putting this into my own words is the
hardest part, as I feel there is no possible way to get the point across as to how intoxicating this moment feels to me.
1. Are you both interested in staying together in long-term commitment:
Se x is a way to express love and attraction, which is why it helps solidify emotional intimacy. You have to first see yourself in a committed relationship with
your partner otherwise, save yourself the heartbreak
2. Are you satisfied with where you both stand: Emotional security is constantly overlooked by most people and if you can’t honestly give a ‘yes’ to if you
are both secure then you should reconsider the S ex idea.
3. Do you both share the same ideas and values: It’s not how he feels about you, it’s how you feel about him. You should know how he fits into your life in terms of certain values such as work-life balance,
religion, lifestyle, parenting style, religion, money management.
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