2.Doesn't Ask For Details
He doesn't ask you about your day, and even if he does, he sounds disinterested and doesn't ask for more.He's just going through the motions buh wants the conversation to be over before it's even started..*
3. He Constantly Say "Sorry" For The Same Thing
4.It's All About Se.x
Having s*x is not a means of keeping a relationship interesting.It's good to cuddle, buh when the only compliments are about your body and all of your time together feels like a means to an end...Sister! Sowie! It's not Love, buh Lust.
You have full conversations that he cannot recollect.He heard you mention your April birthday five times buh sill swears you were born in June.If the only thing he remembers is your address and his favourite bra-and-panty set, there's a problem with your relationship.
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