Thursday, 25 August 2016
3 Things that shows someone may not marry you, Read this to avoid allowing someone keep deceiving you
1. He keeps pushing the wedding date further into the future.
This often starts out as a wedding date that's set for years in the future. As the date gets closer (close enough to start making real plans) the date suddenly gets moved further into the future. Let's face it: in all aspects of life we tend to reschedule things that we're not looking forward to, and we keep or move up the dates for those things that we really want to do.
If your long engagement was rescheduled as soon as it got close enough to where you needed to start putting down deposits with wedding halls, then he's sending you a message that he doesn't intend to ever go through with this wedding.
2. He's reduced you to begging.
For a woman who's been doing some serious hinting about getting married, it can be hard to recognize that conversations about marriage have been replaced by begging and pleading. Even smart, strong women who are used to demanding what they want in all other aspects of life somehow fall into a trap where they're begging a man to marry them.
Once you discover that you've been reduced to begging, it's time to move on. Not only does he not plan on marrying you, but the type of guy who strings a woman along like this is likely to move on to more complex stalling tactics that can drag on for years.
3. He's just waiting for the right time.
It sounds so mature and responsible for your guy to say that he will ask you to marry him as soon as "the time is right," but this is just another stalling tactic. But people manage to tie the knot during less-than-perfect circumstances all the time.
Nearly every member of the clergy has a story about a bride or groom who had to hobble down the aisle after breaking a leg or having a serious injury before their wedding. Remember these couples when you're evaluating whether his reason for waiting really has any merit.
He hasn't set a wedding date.
Many men find that presenting a women with a diamond ring is the king of all stalling tactics. If the man has the financial means, he can often get several years worth of stall time with a large enough diamond.
If you've been engaged for more than a few months and you still don't have a date set, then the odds of you walking down the aisle with this man are slim at best. The same goes for wedding dates that are set two or more years into the future.
Once you find yourself in any of these scenarios, your time and energy is better spent by finding a new man who is ready to commit to you, rather than waiting around for your current man to walk down the aisle with you.
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