As a woman it's important to know what these fears are, then find a way to overcome each and every one of them.
Sometimes a woman's insecurities are what is stopping her from investing so much in a new relationship. It may be as a result of a broken heart,staying single or dating around.
As a woman it's important to know what these fears are, then find a way to overcome each nd every one of them.
2. Settling for less or compromising: Many women are scared of settling with the wrong man or compromising standards because of Mr. Wrong,
especially if it has happened before.
3. Her ex and her new man being exactly alike: Women are scared of getting into relationships and finding out her new boyfriend was just like her ex. It's more like she's scared of seeing history repeat itself again.
disrespected. Women are emotional beings and a man disrespecting her could bring out a whole lot of insecurities she may never know she had before. This could be really scary and humiliating.
5. Thinking she isn't pretty or se xy enough: Many women feel the need to be perfect for a man to want and stay with them. These ladies are terrified of not being pretty or se xy enough to
keep a man, this in turn has a negative effect on their relationships.
she says it to, not saying it back.
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