1. Monetary factors. It is a general belief that money is the major tool needed to have any lady. A great number of men do say: ’If you want to get that girl, just bring out some cash in front of her’. Sometimes, a man who quickly knows that a lady is a money freak takes much advantage of such a lady. He deceives her by buying what she loves like chocolates, dresses and other female accessories. The unsuspecting lady in no time becomes magnetised to the guy. The guy thereafter plays the lady like a yoyo and does whatever he wants before kicking her away.
2. Family background. One of the personal challenges of some ladies is inferiority complex. These complex issues come in different shades. For instance, a lady who is from a not too wealthy family might be submerged if she meets a man that is rich. If the guy walks up to her and dazzles her with his expensive suit, marble wristwatch and shining shoes, she might feel uncomfortable. On sensing this, the man in question courts her to his side. In a short time, she sees the man as her benefactor. As this particular man has no good intention for the lady, he capitalises on this and uses the lady the way he feels.
4. Perception of being the smartest. Any woman who believes that no man can outsmart her may need to rethink. A lady who continues living with this notion might meet guys who would not just use her but also defraud her if they know she has money.
5. High taste. ”Do not bite more than what you can chew” and ”Cut your coat according to your cloth” are the two sayings that are apt for ladies who think above board. They want men who will buy them unimaginable things. They are always day-dreaming. They do not see men who propose marriage to them as serious elements. They prefer guys who will take them to the top of a tall building and later throw them down to its bottom.
7.Thinking levels. Some ladies are very myopic in thinking. They judge men only by appearance. They have a pre-made mindset that all men should be the party type. They always want to groove. They want men who will take them from one show to the other. They are easy preys of these men who get them cheaply. MORE DATING AND MARRIAGE TIPS AND ADVICE/COUNSELING..... CALL OR WHATSAPP +2348162629186 ........ JOIN THIS GROUP FOR MORE
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