2. Never Has Time For You: If your partner continually demonstrates they don’t have time for you but seems to make time for everyone and anything else, then they are sending you a very strong message! Pay attention because you are clearly not at the top of their priority list. Remember, people make time for the things that are important to them.
3. Avoids Meeting Friends And Family: If your partner avoids meeting your friends and family or is never interested in introducing you to theirs,then beware. Even though, it is not uncommon for couples to want to be one-on-one in the early stages of the relationship, they should eventually want to meet the important people in each other’s lives.
4. The Relationship Is Mostly Physical: If you find that your number one connection is mostly physical, chances are this person can become easily bored and move on to someone new because there was no depth in the relationship. Remember, lasting relationships are founded on friendship, love and intimacy.
Remember, it takes two to make a relationship work. You cannot do all the work alone and achieve a healthy, happy and loving partnership. If you are not receiving those feelings from the person you are with, do not waste another precious moment of your life being hurt. Somebody is out there that will provide you with the kind of love and attention you are looking for. The most important thing you need to take away from this is that you deserve to be loved and appreciated! MORE DATING AND MARRIAGE TIPS AND ADVICE/COUNSELING... CALL +2348162629186 OR ADD ME ON SKPE .... sweetboijd
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