Qualities Of A Man Worthy To Date; We’ve had several cases, ladies saying men are the same,others say they’re all
dogs, others say they shouldn’t be trusted. Yeah we men have heard all this but that doesn’t make us all the same, I know finding the right man is so hard since most men now days don’t know what they want. So, I listed down the qualities that a real man has
to guide you ladies to choose right:
1. He is honest – about who he is and
what he has done in his life.
2. He speaks up – even if it is to say
things others don’t want to hear.
3. He is focused on progress.
ALSO READ: 10 Things every girls should know about dating before falling with any man especially number 3 and 9
4. He Loves his family and wants to
protect them from harm. This does not have to involve fighting anyone.
5. He has a true purpose – one that
hopefully contributes to the well being
of others.
6. He thrives not in competition, but in
cooperation. Competition is based on winners and losers, placing value in it simply makes losers feel less of themselves and makes winners buy into the temporary delusion that they are better than others.
7. He is A Devoted fathers not
deadbeat dads
8. He Love and Believes In God
9. He Respects women and never man-
handles them.
ALSO READ: 9 Things a lady should do and she will never be played by men,Ladies read this article
10. He Moves away from sin.
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