Saturday 13 August 2016

Ladies: Do this 7 things,I SWEAR those stuborn guys disturbing you will run away, click to read and learn

How to Make a Guy Break up With You.
Relationships don't always work out. But sometimes
they can be hard to end. You are no longer
interested. He is still in love. There is no need to
suffer any longer. With a few smart tactics, you will
soon be single again.

Give him reason to leave you. Analyze your current
relationship. What does your boyfriend like about
you? What doesn't he like? Accentuate the negative.
Eliminate the positive. Don't mess with anything in
between. You want to become the most irritating
person you can be to your boyfriend. Phone calls
and emails are a great place to start.
Break a date at the last-minute. Arrange to meet him
somewhere. Let him sit there for 20 minutes. Call
him on his cell and tell him something came up. If
he questions you, hang up. If he calls again, don't
answer the phone. Let him email you or whatsapp you. The first few
will be "accidentally" deleted. If he persists, email
him back, though not on purpose. Write an email to
your best friend. She must be someone your
boyfriend knows. Your message should be a litany of
complaints about your boyfriend. Send it to your
boyfriend by "mistake."
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If you are still seeing your guy, make arrangements
to go out. Tell him you want to talk. Make sure it is
an expensive place. You want him to spend as much
money as possible. The restaurant should be as far
away as possible. Tell him you are working late. You
will need to meet him at the restaurant. The working
late excuse also guarantees that he can't come there
straight from work. It will be inconvenient. You want
him to have to make a special trip. Make the
reservation unusually late.
Don't show up. Do not call in advance. Extreme
rudeness is essential. If necessary, enlist the help of
your friends or co-workers. Be prepared if he shows
up at your office. Leave instructions to have him
kept in a waiting area. Have your colleagues whisper
something like, "I thought she broke up with him."
Be in a meeting or on a break. If he visits your home
later, do not answer the door. Turn up the music.
Turn on the shower. He should break up with you
pretty soon.
Start becoming more selfish. When he tries
to tell you about how horrible his day was,
casually change the subject with something you
suddenly remember you have to tell him. At first,
do this occasionally, then start doing it more often
until every conversation becomes all about you.
Don't give him the sympathy or pity he's
looking for. Maybe you can just shrug and say
"Yeah, that's a bummer." The idea is to gradually
stop giving him the emotional support he's used
to getting from you. You don't have to be cruel;
just don't give him the shoulder-to-cry-on that
he's wanting.
ALSO READ: 5 Reasons why your lover is avoiding you this days, you need to read this and you will learn something
If he cries on your shoulder anyway, stand
there and hug him, but don't comfort him.
Don't say anything like 'Come here baby' or 'there
there'. Just stand there emotionless. Don't even
think about bringing up conversation relating to
what he is so upset over.
When he says "I love you" try not to say it
back. If you've made a habit of saying it,
though, taper that off. If he starts making a big
deal out of it, just murmur it back, quickly, So its
not understandable.
Become irritable and moody. Don't make it
seem like it's his fault, but that you are just
mad at the world and want to be alone because
you don't want to snap at him. Do this more and
more often if possible.

Stop being as affectionate. If he makes the
initiative, don't make it obvious that you don't
want to, but do not make the first move yourself.
Get to the point where you accept the affection,
but don't give it back. And eventually, pretend to
be annoyed by his affection. If he puts his arm
around your shoulders, for example, you can say
your shoulders are sore, you're not sure why,
could he not do that for the next few days?
Try not to talk to him. Make as little
conversation as possible. If he talks, reply with
short answers, like "hmm" or "yeh".
If he hates listening to stories about your
previous partners, tell him loads, and add
a bit of extras in to make him feel even more
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Become busy with everything except him.
Spend as much time at work as you can, or
with family. After all that work, of course you only
want to go to bed.
At this point, your boyfriend should be
quite annoyed and sad with where this
relationship is going, and is probably having a
lot of depressed moments himself. When he
finally goes to break up with you though, apply the

Just be quiet and listen when he is talking,
don't interrupt him or make arguments.
When he makes statements about his
confusion regarding your attitude and
behavior, don't offer an explanation, just
shrug and say you don't understand it either.
Don't cry. You knew this was coming, so even
if it does hurt your feelings, keep a straight
face and deal with it.
Don't smile either. Victory may be at hand, but
you need to finish the battle first.
Do not console him. Don't hug him and say
this is probably for the best, and don't do "one
last kiss". Ever.
With the break up done, get out of there
as fast as you can. If he tries to call or get
back with you, maintain that icy heart that you've
had since the start of this quest.
Or just be a grown-up and tell him it's not
working, and you both need to move on. This
is best way and it will prevent all the trouble


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