2. The clitoris has nearly 8000 nerve endings. The male penis is known to have around 4000 nerve endings but the most sensitive part of the female is definitely the cli toris with 8000 nerve endings.
3. The va gina can expand in size. While intercourse, the va gina allows the penis to enter inside by expanding in size slightly but the real expanding occurs during childbirth when the child is pushed out of the va gina.
4. In rare cases, the va gina can entrap the male pe nis during inter course. Although, it happens very rarely but the va gina can adjust its size in a way that it captivates or clamps the pe nis inside it. In those situations, you may have to visit the emergency room and seek medical advice to remove it out. (Ouch!)
6. Some woman cannot experience orgasms. It could be due to a small clitoris or the distance between the clitoral head, and the va ginal opening might be large to make it impossible to stimulate the clitoris during intercourse. And yes, it's a proven medical condition.
7. In case of a weak uterus, it slips down from the va gina. When the muscles and ligaments keeping the uterus (womb) in its place they get weaken due to any possible reason, there could be a chance of uterine prolapse. In milder stages, the lady feels as though some pouch like structure descends every time she coughs, laughs or sneezes but in a 3rd-degree prolapse, an entire sac-like structure will be seen coming out of the va gina which will have to be repaired only by surgery.
8. Having regular s*x doesn't 'loosen' up your va gina. It is only a myth that having too much s*x can loosen your va gina. Having frequent s*x will probably increase the blood flow and lubrication of the va gina, but it will definitely not loosen it up. The va gina has expanding properties, but it will come back to its original shape.
10. You can judge your fertile by vaginal discharge. The va ginal discharge increases during your ovulatory period which comes around the 14th day of your cycle. You would be most fertile during those 3-4 days and you can plan to get pregnant around that time.
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