1. Being in love is a beautiful thing and it can make you do things you wouldn’t normally do.
If you have ever fallen head over heels in love with a special someone, you will agree that love can be as dangerous a drug as cocaine or heroin. The effect of being in love on the brain is
comparable to the effect of the chemicals that are released when you take cocaine or heroin.
If you have heard that love makes people crazy
or stupid, it could be because being in love
actually does make chemical changes to the brain. Because the feeling of love is so addicting,some people have been known to do very crazy and stupid things.
Below are some things which many consider
stupid that women do in the name of love,especially in the early stages of their
Remain in an abusive relationship : Why would you remain with a guy who beats you blue black on a regular basis just because you are in love? Stop deceiving yourself that he will change better run for your life before he ends up killing you. There are better men out there.
2. Giving your money to a man : Some ladies will go to whatever length to keep a man, who obviously doesn’t love them. Some will steal
their parents money to give to their man. Some
men have refused to make themselves useful
and rely on some stupid girl, who brings all her
salary to him at the end of the month while he
sits at home and helps her spend it. Some girls
have even used their school fees to celebrate
birthday for a man.
Sharing some really dark secrets : It’s not wrong to share some secrets with a man you are sure loves you and wants to marry you but some things are better left unsaid. Does your man
share his own secret with you? If not, why should you share yours?
Living with a man who has not paid your bride price : This is what we call co-habitation. Most ladies are guilty of this one. They get into a relationship and before you know it they have
packed all their property to the guy’s house. At the end of the day he ends up using you and dumping you. Then you have to start all over.
3. Sending your nude pictures : It’s really baffling why people do this even after so many people have landed in trouble for it. A number
of girls have had their nude pictures shared online by angry boyfriends who wants to punish them.
Engagement ring : some girls have been wearing their engagement ring for over 10 years and the guy is not even talking anything about marriage. Are you lord of the rings? Open your
eyes and move on. Also some ladies are wearing
the engagement ring of man who doesn’t know their homes, neither has he seen any member of her family. If he is really serious about you,he would ask to know your family.
Cutting off all their friends and family : Some ladies will fight with anybody who tries to tell them the truth about their relationship. Some ladies become an island. It’s just them and their boyfriends. When he decides he doesn’t want you anymore, what happens? By
then you have chased away all those who would
have been there for you.
Becoming his maid: Some girlfriends have become their boyfriend’s cleaner, washing machine, cook and the list goes on. There’s
nothing wrong with doing things for your man
every once in a while but when it becomes a regular thing and he makes it your duty then it is wrong. It’s not like he has paid your bride price so why should you be slaving for him.
Fighting because of a man : Some girls don’t mind embarrassing themselves and getting naked while fighting dirty in public
because of one man that doesn’t even love you.
If you catch your man with another girl, why fight the girl? It’s not like she put a gun on his head, forcing him to cheat on you.
Staying in a loveless relationship: You are
very much aware that he does not love you, yet
you will remain in the relationship, doing
everything possible to keep him. If he doesn’t
love you, leave him alone and find someone
who loves you. Life is too short to be wasting
your love on a man whose mind is somewhere else.
Staying with a chronic cheat: You know there are other women in his life but you chose to remain in the relationship in the name of love hoping he will eventually choose you as wife at the end of the day.
Giving in to s*x because he promise you marriage : Many have given in and have been dumped. Don’t join the list.
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