Tuesday 27 September 2016

7 Things to do so that you will be attractive to people and they will end up loving you

Don't confuse attraction with attracting attention. Its completely easy to attract someone's attention for few moments by doing anything extraordinary or even stupid but after he returns home he wont remember you anymore.
Successful attraction happens when you attract attention in such a way that the person thinks about you even after you leave.
The process of attraction starts by attracting the attention of the target, but not any kind of attention, you want to show him that you have qualities that he is desperately in need of. In such a case even if that person wasn't interested in you he will become attracted to you.

Every person in this world longs for certain traits and would become attracted to anybody who posses them. For example some women are attracted to ambitious men because its a trait that shows that this man might become somebody one day, some men are attracted to women who are demanded by other men because it makes them believe that they have high status. Now the reason someone might not be interested in you is that you didn't show him that you have these traits he is in need of.

Take risks to have fun. Be a fun person by acting on spontaneity. It is attractive and more interesting to be around someone willing to go on an adventure. This can also show her how interesting you can be.
Being silly and having fun also shows you’re confident and not afraid of taking risks.

Maintain your personal hygiene. Take care of your body and smell nice. Take a shower everyday and use shampoo and soap products that compliment your body. Find a deodorant that smells good with a pinch of musk. Consider a touch of cologne for those special dates, but never use more than two squirts. Brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day, and use other dental hygiene-related items like floss and mouthwash.
Consider using lotion for the colder months so your skin stays moist and healthy to the touch.

Dress to attract. Dressing your age tells a lot about your personality. It is proven that a guy who dresses like he is 16 isn’t as attractive as a guy wearing a mature look. You don't have to wear a sport coat but a simple upgrade to your style will help. Invest in chinos and nicer jeans instead of continuing to wear old worn out denim. Go for slim cuts in both your top and bottom. Try out several colors and pick the ones that accent your attributes (hair, skin, and eye color) the most.
Look after your shoes. Discard your sneakers after they start to rip or loss their thread. Care for your leather shoes by treating them twice a year.
Also a good thing to take into account is the feel of your clothes. When you break the touch barrier, girls like things that feel nice and it's also important that you feel physically comfortable in them.
One technique to attract someone is by wearing an eye-catching outfit.
Scientifically, women are more inclined to be attracted to a man wearing red. It’s the same reason a cop is more inclined to pull over a red sedan over a blue sedan. Red catches the eye

Most women like parties and having a few drinks every now and then, even as they get older. Once you leave college, the amount of times you party should drop almost instantly. If you are still drinking Natty Light six nights a week, then that’s going to be a huge turn off. At that point, you’ll seem like an alcoholic and that’s not where you want to be in life right now.
If you need help cutting back on the drinks, there is plenty of help offered. Women you meet at the bar aren’t likely to be the ones that you find a long-term relationship with, anyway, so don’t spend all of your time there. You’ll end up being the creepy guy that sits there by himself on Tuesday afternoons.

Part of the primal instinct is for women to naturally be attracted to the alpha dog. There are ways in which you can still be the alpha dog without barking at everyone you see. Being nice doesn’t mean being a pushover, it just shows that you aren’t a jerk. Now there are plenty of guys out there that are nice at all times, but still can’t find a date— don’t worry! There are still 18 more things you can do.
Don’t be rude to people, and remember to use your please and thank you’s. It’s not only attractive to women, but you should probably just be doing it anyway. You hate it when people are rude to you, right?

Make no mistake . it's still important to be a gentleman. Chivalry is not dead; it's just on life support, with a few broken ribs and a bruised ego. But if you want to stand out to women and gain a good reputation in the process, there's no better way than by being a gentleman


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