Saturday 8 October 2016

10 Ways you can maintain your distance relationship,I SWEAR If you can do this 10 tips,its gonna work,CLICK TO READ

It’s no secret that maintaining a relationship takes hard work and dedication from both parties. But, when a couple lives hundreds or thousands of miles apart, keeping a romance going becomes even more difficult
Since you don’t have the benefit of in-person time together, daily communication is a must. Whether you prefer text messages, IMs, emails, telephone calls, or video chatting, keeping in touch is the most important thing you can do in a long-distance relationship. There are even smartphone apps that allow long-distance couples to share photos, videos, send voice messages, and more. And don’t forget good old snail mail! A cute handwritten letter or small unexpected gift goes a long way to making your LD partner feel loved and appreciated. Just be sure to agree on what forms of communication you’ll use most

Talk dirty with each other
Se xual tension is undoubtedly one of the most important things between couples. Se xual desire is like a glue that keeps both parties from drifting apart. Not only is s*x a biological need, it is an emotional one as well. Keep the flames burning by sending each other teasing texts filled with se xual innuendos and provocative descriptions. Se xy puns work pretty well too

Stay honest with each other.
Talk about your feelings of fear, insecurity, jealousy, apathy, whatsoever. If you try to hide anything from your partner, that secret will sooner or later swallow you up from inside out. Don’t try to deal with things all by yourself. Be open and honest with each other. Let your partner help you and give you the support you need. it’s better to look at the problem during its initial stage than to only disclose it when it’s all too late

Keep track of each other’s social media activities.
Like each other’s photos on Facebook and Instagram. Tweet each other. Tag each other. Share things on each other’s walls. Show that you care. Be cool about stalking each other
Give each other some virtual space
Talking to your partner should be a priority, but not your only priority. Don’t spend all your spare time talking or texting. In addition, don’t expect your partner to respond straight away to every text you send or message you leave.

Find new things to talk about
Most couples in a LDR will go through periods where they struggle to find things to talk about apart from how their day was. When these seasons hit, put a bit more effort into finding new and fresh things to discuss.
Don’t avoid the tough questions
Especially are your relationship deepens, don’t avoid topics and questions that could lead to uncomfortable conversations. Practice asking questions that make you feel vulnerable. Be willing to be transparent. If you’re in a committed relationship you should be able to talk about everything.
Learn to recognize and control your own emotions
Long distance relationships often involve intense emotions and extreme ups and downs. There are times of intense loneliness, uncertainty, doubts, and fear. There are also times of extreme excitement, joy, and incandescent happiness. Learning to recognize, own, and manage your own emotions will pay off big time–now and in the future.
Learn to control any jealousy
Feeling a little jealous now and again is not unusual in a long distance relationship. However, uncontrolled jealousy can lead to a destructive combination of suspicion, possessiveness, insecurity, anger, and shame. If you’re feeling jealous,  figure out how to control your jealousy before it starts to control you. It’s not easy, but it can be done.
Be prepared to learn new things when you’re finally together
You can learn so much about someone when you’re in a long distance relationship. In many ways, you can get to know someone more quickly and deeply when you’re communicating across distance. However, there are certain things you just can’t learn about someone when you’re in an LDR. Be prepared to keep learning new things about your partner when you’re finally living together

Avoid situations where you may be tempted to cheat
Don’t put yourself in situations that will lead to extra temptation to cheat! Don’t start hanging out alone every weekend with the same attractive co-worker. Don’t go out to bars with your friends and drink a lot if you know that you get extra flirty after a few. Bottom line? Know yourself. Know your limits, and then stay a couple of steps away from those limits.
Ignore the haters–they just have no idea how to make a long distance relationship work
Lots of people say LDRs can’t work BUT NOT ALL DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP WORKS. They’re wrong. Maybe an LDR couldn’t work for them, or maybe they just have no idea what they’re talking about. Don’t listen to them. Plenty of LDRs work out in the long run, and many couples credit the time they spent in an LDR for teaching them invaluable relationship skills. IF YOUR DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP NOT WORKING AS YOU WANTED, YOU HAVE RIGHT TO END IT.
More dating and marriage tips, call or whatsapp Counselor Okechukwu Joshua +2348162629186


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