1. The little moments are gone:
They don’t agree to go for long walks together anymore. They don’t look for reasons to constantly touch you. They never call you just to let you know how much they miss you.
When someone has stopped making that extra effort, when they’ve stopped putting in any thought towards the relationship, when they’ve stopped trying to make things special, and when they’ve stopped doing the little things that matter and bring you true happiness, then they probably feel like they have very little stakes left in keeping this relationship alive and running. There probably isn’t much that’s stopping them from leaving right this very minute. And sadly enough, it’s just a matter of time when even their mere presence in your life will only be a memory to you!
Every couple unavoidably has fights and arguments. Yes, it’s perfectly healthy and normal. Most of those fights actually end up strengthening your relationship. But you have to be very careful with keeping this outlook over all your fights. You have to analyze and decide if your fights are actually happening because your partner truly cares or if they just keep happening because of your partner’s unreasonable irritation towards you. If you feel like your partner is always looking for a reason to fight, if everything that comes out of your mouth seems to annoy them and drive them crazy, and if they are always starting pointless arguments only to leave them hanging in the middle, then this kind of situation is definitely not normal. Their constant angry behavior might be the result of some resentment they feel towards you or the relationship in general or maybe it’s just a result of the guilt they feel because of the impending breakup.
But all their anger and all their indifference didn’t ever break you down. You tried to talk it out. You tried to come up with reasons in your head on why they might be acting this way. You tried to be rational about it even when they were behaving their absolute worst. And you even took the blame and apologized for some things that weren’t your fault in the first place. But nothing you do, no amount of understanding, no amount of apologies, and no amount of talking has helped you get them back to normal or stop their unreasonable anger or made them realize their mistakes in any way.
All of us go through tough times in life; the times when we don’t feel like ourselves anymore, the times when all human interaction feels forced and unnecessary, and the times when we get so disconnected even from the people we love most. But if someone’s behavior with you changes too drastically for an uncannily long period of time and without any obvious reason, then it is likely that the problem isn’t just their life.
Such a behavioral change can come in various forms that you might have never experienced with them before. They might become very passive-aggressive or they might reduce their communication or they might even start excluding you from all their plans. They don’t reply to your text messages or calls as quickly as they used to or they rarely show any kind of affection towards you, whether through technology or in person. Their responses to simple questions seem rude or agitated and their persona is just generally alienating towards you. You can’t even remember the last time they told you that they loved you.
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