Men are very choosy when it comes to selecting their partners, and even a single stupid thing can turn them off. They have certain requirements and standards that their girlfriend should meet; criteria that they set before picking the best one out. Yes, you have to be out of one of
those who might turn your man off.
Who wants a woman that does not shut up? The one that keeps on blabbing; yes, blabbing is the word! When you keep on going and do not give the other one a single chance to talk out. This is a very big turn off for any man. What a man requires is peace and if you are that talkative one, then he surely is not getting it. Believe me, your man does not want to hear what your cousin wore at her wedding, or your friend’s gossip. What he wants to hear about is YOU. Be a lady, and talk less.
Men hate shopping as much as women love the idea of it. A woman that is obsessed with brands is a woman men avoid being with. All that woman wants is a branded dress, the most expensive of watches and a diamond necklace as a cherry on the top. Do not be one of those women; women that turn men off. One of the major reasons that men avoid such women is because they find their wallet slipping away. Obviously, he will have to pay for everything that you want, so a man will never want to be with a shopaholic.
Some women are in such a rush, that a few dates are enough for them to decide to get married. They start throwing indirect signals to their partners about their intentions. Men shy away from such women; women who go too quick in the relationship. It is just the start, and you need to give each other some time to decide for the future. Rome was not built in a day you should keep that relationship advice in mind ; things need time to grow and to strengthen. Make sure you are not of these hasty women.
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