Women love lots of it. They yearn to be treated as the unique, special creatures that they are. Attention and affection go a long, long, long way, guys, together with your appreciation of her, as an individual and as a woman.
Relationships that last the longest and are the most successful are those in which the woman is getting her desires fulfilled, giving the man a double win. Firstly, this is by knowing that he is responsible for his partner’s pleasure, and secondly, to have an appreciative partner wanting to give in return. A true win/win for the both of you.
TIP: Take the time to sit and talk with her daily, with no distractions of TV, phones or kids. Just by taking the time to talk and listen to her, she feels closer to you, and more open to other things… like s*x!
2. SUPPORT: Just as important as her needs in the bedroom, is a woman’s need for your support in general. Most women are tired from handling work, kids, and the endless household tasks at the end of the day. Resentment can often build if she has been left to shoulder more than a fair share of the workload. Be aware that this is very important to a woman, and a little help goes a long way. Resentment and anger is the number one killer of passion and se xual openness for women.
TIP: Offer her plenty of support around the house, and she will feel cared for by you, resulting in her being far more open to you. She also needs some time off to rejuvenate, and revive her sensual self with some of those femininely nurturing trips to the hairdresser, facials, and massages. Believe it or not, this nourishes her femininity, in the same way having a beer with your mates “nourishes” males. Even buying clothes that she feels beautiful in helps her to love who she is as a woman. She’ll feel beautiful and will be more open to being sensual too.
At some point marital s*x is too socially sanctioned, sanitized, and women are absolutely tired of the same old routine.
Since they have been married, wives know exactly how their husband is going to touch them, they know how much their spouses love them and they are not embarrassed to take their clothes off. There’s a comfort there that is important to people which is a crucial part of any happy marriage. On the other hand, this lack of adventurousness is followed by a diminishing of desire.
Biologically speaking, desire is fueled by the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine levels rise in response to anticipation and excitement.
Knowing what comes next, the brain and other essential body parts say “why bother?” and the level of excitement isn’t there. The women miss the early days of dating with its flirting and uncertainty, which brought a lot of happiness. Stagnant romance and s*x is a buzz kill.
Spice up your s*x life with new positions, different places to make love, and mastering foreplay. It’s also helpful to take better care of yourself.
When was the last time you went to a gym? I’m sure your wife loves you as you are, but surely you will appear more irresistible to her if you take better care of your body.
Female desire is somewhat complicated; they want something more than just intimacy. They want to feel needed and wanted.
Most women are not comfortable with their anatomy especially when they are na*ked. Women who are uncomfortable with themselves masturbate less and have less s*x. Their libido has left the building! Only about 29% of women actually achieve an orgasm while having s*x, compared to the 75% of men who achieve orgasm.
If more women felt se xually attractive, they might find s*x more gratifying and not just another chore that has to be completed. Make sure that your wife knows how much you love her and how beautiful she is.
Realistically speaking, marital love does not mean non*stop hot s*x. If more people realized that, then perhaps there would not be such an obsession with s*x.
5. S*x is an expression of love, the sooner we learn to respect, and treat it as such, the sooner we will be able to enjoy it more.
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