Sometimes, you are faced with such an emotional trauma in life that you can’t contribute to anything in a relationship. You can’t provide him with care and love and you get distant and quiet. You just lose faith in yourself and you even lose the will to live anymore. Despite all that, he doesn’t give up on you.
He stays with you, talks to you, listens to you and is adamant. He understands that this just a phase and when you are faced with such situations, depression and anxiety can get the better of another person. A person who is there for you in your worst is the person who deserves to be with you at your best. People like this don’t come along very often. Most people will stab you in the back without even thinking twice.
If you ever find such a guy who chooses you every day even when you think that you are not worth someone’s love, please wake up from your slumber and realize what you have before it’s too late. Sometimes people don’t believe in themselves until a certain someone starts believing in them.
Sometimes, there are guys who will try to change you. They want you to be someone who is acceptable to the society. Someone that is acceptable to the society. They have no regard for your originality whatsoever. They just want you to be a cliché and they want you to adapt yourself to the societal stereotypes.
Every person is a different person. They all have their own weird stuff and unorthodox behavior and no one should be allowed to change that. If you have a guy who accepts you for who you are and doesn’t compel you to be someone else just for the sake of acceptance from this judgmental society, he is someone you can grow with.
He is someone you can put your trust in. He is not someone you just push away just because you feel that what he’s doing is real. Sometimes our whole lives turn out to be a lie because we are reluctant to accept the truth when it reveals itself.
There is no emotional blackmail in love. When someone loves you, they accept you with all their heart. They don’t make you beg and take you for granted. If a guy loves you despite your imperfections, he knows the true meaning of love. Some people just frustrate other people without any reason.
They don’t make you feel wanted. They always give you mixed signals. Sometimes relationships are just based on lust. If the guy feels horny, he will become a whole other person and love you and entice you. He will fool you into thinking that he really does love you. However, if you don’t fulfil his se xual desires, he will pour the blame on you and make himself the victim.
If a guy loves you unconditionally and isn’t just there with you for his own personal desires, he loves you more than you can imagine.
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