Relationship has become something else in the world today,Relationship has turn many people into suffering and agonizing life.
Many youth has lost their life because of dating and being in a relationship when they should have being facing their studies and careers.
Because of I LOVE YOU many has lose their freedom and happiness,alot of people don't know anything about relationship but they went into it because others are doing it and they end up losing precious gifts of their life, some girls has certificate of SINGLE MOM, they are regretting why they didn't obeyed God commandments.
Youths with different expectations of life but because of dating has shattered their dreams and ambition. This Days, Dating means lets have s*x and because of having s*x has destroy many people bright future.
People has different mission when coming into your life, be careful the kind of life you arE living as a youth, remember what's the bible says NO SIN GOES UNPUNISH.
Dating is good and bad, it may not favor you, be careful the kind of life you are living, tomorrow get belle, many are suffering today because of life they lived in the past.
Relationship is something else this days.
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