Wednesday 20 January 2016


You always hurt the one you love, the one you should
not hurt at all; You always take the sweetest rose, and
crush it till the petals fall; You always break the
kindest heart, with a hasty word you can’t recall;
Nevertheless, someone who deliberately hurts
another person can simultaneously claim to love that
person. Lovers can easily hurt the beloved without
intending to do so. Because the lovers are so
significant to each other, any innocent remark or
action can be interpreted in a manner that the other
person did not intend and hence be hurtful.

instance, someone might devote a lot of time to her
work, thereby neglecting, and inadvertently hurting,
her partner. The more time two people spend
together, the greater the likelihood that this will
occur. Our beloveds hold great significance for us
and this makes these people a source of both great
happiness and deep sadness; they can bring us great
joy, but they can also hurt us deeply. In situations in
which we have nothing of value to lose, we seldom
experience disappointment. In love, which involves
our happiness and many of our most precious
experiences, there is a great deal to lose. Hence,
disappointment and frustration, and consequently
hurt, are common. It has been said that completely
blissful love does not exist. Indeed, in a survey of
over 500 lovers, almost all of them assumed that
passionate love is a bitter sweet experience. Similarly,
it has been found that people low in defensiveness
have more experiences of love than do highly
defensive people. This link suggests that to love is to
make oneself vulnerable in ways that enhance the
possibility of pain. It is easy to understand why
someone who doesn’t love another person might
break the heart of this person-when we do not love
those who love us, we are likely to hurt them. Try
love those that cares and crazy about you

Relationships break up are tough. No one gets
through it over night. For some, it takes months.
Others, it takes years. It all depends on how long the
two of you were together. One thing is certain: there
is no easy way to get over a break up. And moving on
is your only option. Break up in a relationship is no
different than losing a family through death. You also
deal with a permanent loss with break ups. It can be
very lonely and depressing. Losing somebody always
gives the worst feeling in the world. Some people
could not handle the pain and the loneliness that they
resort to committing suicide. Do not ever do that.
Your life is too precious to end it because of one
person who may not really be the “one”. DO AFTER
BREAK UP If you have a job, get busy with it. Finally,
there’s nothing that can distract your focus on your
career. You could take opportunities from other cities
or other countries. There’s nothing more fulfilling
than being successful in your profession. Get a new
hobby. Now that you have free time, you can do
stuffs you never had a chance to do. Enroll in art
classes, cooking training or music lessons. Getting
over a break up was never easy. But the feeling
lightens up when you surround yourself with friends
and family. And besides, this is the perfect time for
you to bond with your loved ones. Catch up with what
you’ve missed and make up for lost time.

The Best Way to Get Over Her. Most
guys say, the best way to get over a break up is to
find a new girl. To some point, it’s true. Getting a new
girlfriend always takes your mind off your past. Just
make sure that she is not just your rebound. How to
move on after a break up is difficult regardless if
you’re a dude or a girl. Nevertheless, women find it a
lot easier to cry in front of their friends and family
than men. Women are more vocal about their
emotions than men. It is okay to grab a couple of
beers with friends. Alcohol can sometimes help to
numb the pain you feel about the break up. It is also
your fuel to get you working your “mojo” especially in
bars and parties. But remember, to make drinking a
nightly affair is a never healthy solution. As soon as
you get sober, you will be hit again by the reality. You
will feel the hurt sink in again. Thus, you will want
more alcohol. Moving on from a relationship starts
with acceptance. Accept that it is over. Relationships
break up because it no longer works. It will be
tougher if you decide to save the relationship
because you’ve been together for years, or you are
considering the amount of effort you have exerted.
Saving it for the wrong reasons would just hurt more.
You might end up becoming enemies instead of

Admitting you are lonely may not be the
manliest thing to do but this helps lift you up. It feels
good to just let yourself be sad for a while. If you’re
the type who’s not afraid to let out a few tears, go
ahead. This would lessen the loneliness. After a day
or two of alone time, fix yourself and start filling up
your calendar. Call your closest buddies and
schedule a boys’ night out. Go to bars and hit on
girls. Party like you never partied before. Have a good
time and meet new people. Being active socially can
definitely take your mind off your ex and moving on
from a relationship becomes easier. Go to the gym.
Work on your physique. Get in shape. It is not a bad
thing to become vain after a break up. If you know
you look hot, you become more confident. Being
attractive is certainly an advantage once you start
dating again. Get involve with sports. Men love
sports. Call out your sporty friends and play with
them. There’s no better way to get over a break up
than indulging in competitions. Get a new hobby. Do
you want to learn something but never had the time
for it? This is the right time to do it. Work on cars,
learn to cook, form a band, or write a book. You want
something to do to fill the time you used to spend
with her. Eventually, you’d get over your ex sooner
than expected. Certainly, it is a rough course after a
break up. Moving on from a relationship can get you
depressed and desperate. But as they say, the first
step’s always the hardest.


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