Are you constantly being put down? Are you being lied to? Hit? Are you being told your feelings don’t
make sense or that they don’t matter? Are you feeling
left out of your significant others life? Do you stay anyway? Then maybe it’s time to reevaluate the
relationship you are in. Staying with someone that
doesn’t give a shit about you is very common.
You are not alone.
There are those relationships that were as perfect as
you could ever imagine and in a blink of an eye
something drastic happens. Someone cheats, or lies, or starts ignoring you, maybe even takes advantage
of your efforts throughout the house or the money,
basically making you feel unappreciated. It is then
that you may also need to sit and reevaluate
the relationship and make the decision to either stay together or go your separate ways. The question is why. Why do some people stay in these situations?
Below you will find a list of reasons as to why I feel individuals stay in unhealthy relationships.
1. Creatures of Habit. Bad relationships can be habit forming. It’s not a good thing but it’s one of those things in which you know what to expect so it’s
easier for you to succumb to. Some people stay in
these types of relationships because they know what to expect already. Couples know exactly what buttons
to push or what to do to make it better. Even though
these couples know they are only happy “sometimes” and truly they are not, they stay together. It’s a
terrible cycle to be in. Fear of starting over with
someone else may come into play as well. They start to make themselves think that there is more good
than bad in the relationship and choose to stay
instead of getting out of the unhappy cycle they are so used to. It’s important for individuals in this type
of relationship to understand that just because the
relationship is familiar to you it doesn’t mean its happy.
My advice for you would be to imagine the
relationship you truly want. Place your partner there
and ask yourself if he/she is meeting those needs for
you. If not, grow a pair and tell your person to move
the fuck around. If you didn’t find your prince/
princess in the right pond, find a different pond.
There are plenty of fish in the sea. Find your happy.
2. Staying Together For The Kids. Perhaps the most
common reason for couples in bad relationships to
stay together is to keep the family in tact. Most
people have children in hopes that they stay together
as a family. Once the relationship goes bad the only
glue left to keep them together is the children.
Couples try and try and try but to no avail. They just
can’t seem to get along, see eye to eye, or even love
each other correctly anymore. When they look at
their children they see family. It’s much harder to
leave because children may place the blame on
themselves or you just don’t want to have your
children not having their mom or dad together. What
these couples fail to understand is that they are
doing very harmful damage to their children by
staying together. Parents who fight or hurt each
other physically or mentally, only teach their children
that that type of behavior is okay. It is not.
That being said, if you are in an abusive relationship
whether it is verbal or physical, you will do yourself a
huge benefit by leaving. Not only will you be safer
and happier so will your children. It may be hard on
everyone involved at first but neither you or your
children deserve that type of treatment or to be
subjected to it. Hands are for helping not for hurting
and loving words not hurting words is a good way to
keep healthy relationships. Remember love isn’t
suppose to hurt you. Neither is your spouse. And
parents protect children not expose them to hurtful
3. Self Esteem is Shit. When you are in a verbal or
physical relationship it’s easy to forget who you really
are. It’s hard to feel beautiful or have self worth if
someone has been telling you are the complete
opposite. Keep in mind abusive people will lift you up
at the right times. When they feel they are losing you
they will do whatever it takes to make you feel like the
most important person in the world. They will make
promises and say sorry as much as they can to lure
you back in. And most times they win. Especially if
you have self esteem issues. It actually wouldn’t be
surprising if it was the relationship you are in that
messed with your self esteem in the first place.
My advice to you is to look in the mirror at your
awesome self and know that you are beautiful. Pack
your shit and say goodbye to the negativity. Someone
who truly loves you will always lift your spirits so
high that it would be impossible to get you down.
Someone who makes you feel worthless is the one
who has the real issue.. not you. Often times the
person doing the hurting thinks the relationship is
better than it really is. So when you try and leave they
will say things like.. theres nothing wrong with us or
we can fix this. They are not the victim. They don’t
know what it feels like to be treated the way they treat
you. Don’t listen. You deserve love and respect and if
you are not getting it then its time to dip. If you are
feeling worthless remember that you are not. Dust
yourself off and free yourself. Once you do that and
are away from the harsh words or hurting hands you
will feel a million times better about literally
everything. I promise.
4. Afraid. In some cases people are afraid to leave
because of some threat that was made. For example,
they might threaten to hurt you or a family member.
They may even threaten to hurt themselves. No one
wants to carry that type of weight on their shoulders
forever nor do they want a loved one to get hurt
either. So to protect everyone they continue to stay in
a bad relationship to protect everyone around them
including themselves. It’s sad to think that someone
can hold this type of leverage over someone but it
really does happen.
If you are in this type of relationship it’s time to get
the hell out of it. Someone who loves you would
never threaten you. Nor would they ever threaten to
hurt someone that you love. That psychotic. That
person needs serious help. If they can scare you
enough to threaten you who’s to say they wouldn’t
just do it anyway. Talk to a trusted family member or
friend and get some help to get away from a scary
situation. There are people all around you that will
Relationships are suppose to be beautiful. They are
not always going to be easy but they should never
have any form of abuse attached to them. Be true to
yourself and understand that you deserve nothing
but the best for you and especially if there are
children involved. Get yourself involved with
someone who is beyond beautiful from the inside
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