Why Holding In Your Pee Is Bad For You.
We’ve all been there – in the middle of a task, behind schedule or not wanting to miss out on juicy conversation – sometimes, relieving yourself is the
last of your priorities. But if you’re someone who finds yourself putting off the bathroom on a regular
basis, you may want to reconsider.
According to a new study, holding your wee in can cause you some serious health problems. Gerald
Timm, a urological researcher at the University of Minnesota explains: “The bladder’s kind of like a pond – not draining properly allows bacteria to build
up, and that leads to infection.”
This means that by putting it off, you could be putting yourself at risk of urinary tract infections, cystitis and
urinary retention – a condition that means your bladder can never be fully emptied. In the worst cases, your bladder can literally burst, giving a whole
new meaning to the phrase “I’m bursting for a wee!” While this is unlikely in most people, if you have underlying bladder conditions, it could well happen.
When it does, urine pours into the abdomen, meaning that you’d have to be rushed to hospital immediately to avoid further serious health complications. We know it’s scary, but at least it’ll put
you off, well, putting it off – go to the toilet! If your body is telling you that you need to, it’s for good reason.
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