Not everyone around you is supposed to know and understand your journey. Not every person that smiles with you and even says positive things about you that they are well wishers. Sometimes you just have to keep your plans at heart and then share them with God because He is the only trustworthy and dependable person you will ever have in this world. Be careful with some people. The way you see them and talk to them isn't the way they feel about you at heart.
Have you ever wondered why some men prefer to spend more time with their friends other than spending it with their wife's at Home? I will tell you.
Most women talk to much,they never wants to listen. They complain about everything and anything.
They want to play the
role of both the wife and your mother at the same time.
They want all the attention in the world without considering how the husband is feeling at that particular time. They always want their husbands to always say
sorry even when nothing is wrong with them. They always want their husbands to report to them what happened while they were away and who they had
a conversation with.
They wants to teach their husbands how to spend money, who to give and we're to spend their own money. Most ladies thinks because they are married to you,
your life now belongs to them, so they most know your every move and actions.
They want to tell the whole world that you're their husbands even when you don't like to show off. Many women have this spirit of laziness but still they want to help every member of their family with
their husbands salary which most times its not even enough to feed the loads of children they have brought into the world.
My dear ladies.
It's very important you allow your husband, let him feel at home whenever he's around you, stop telling him stories that doesn't concern him,Learn to give him so breathing space, what a man
needs after a days job is some cold bath and a nice meal after then allow him get some rest stop selling your family to him because you want some money.
You can hate me or insult me if you want but I have said my own. Doing will lead a man to starting feeling bad and regretting marrying you which lead to losing interest and cheating.
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