Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Love that’s not returned may be more like an infatuation . After all, why would you love someone who doesn’t love you back? True love on the other hand is returned. You can be honest with them and honest with yourself. Above all, a real loving relationship is one that grows and changes as you do. The more you learn about your partner, the more you change yourself, the closer you become. The lack of passion is often indicator that something in relationship is not working well. On the other hand, if you still feel passion in after years of relationship that's a clear sign that you two cannot without each other. After some time relationship can become a bit monotonous, so it's vital to still find each other attractive and to keep the passion alive. Making the initial sparkle last throughout the relationship may be difficult but it is a clear sign that you are really compatible and that you shouldn't be worried about things getting boring.
If you share your opinion and thoughts on everyday small things, you give each other advice and unconditional support in everything you relationship has one of the essential parts-friendship. This means that you can rely on your boyfriend and that he'll be there for you in the middle of the night. There's no true love without friendship so consider yourself lucky if you have your best friend in your boyfriend. It really doesn't matter whether he will change or not. What truly matters is his will to work on himself in order to make your relationship work. If he's ready to be a better man for you, you already have the perfect man by your side. If he acknowledges that it's him who sometime makes problems and he's willing to change that, you can be sure that he is someone who really loves you and someone who will fight to save your relationship with you. Occasional fights and arguments are an integral part of every relationship. The way that you make up is something that may determine whether what you have is true love. If your boyfriend is willing to make things work after a quarrel and he comes to say sorry even when it's not his fault-you can be certain that he's afraid of losing you, that your relationship means a world to him and that, most importantly, he acknowledges that it's true love. Actions are the most demonstrative signs of true love from a man. He means what he says to you and he does what he promises. Anyone can say the words “I love you”, but only when the love is real will a person back that up with his actions. You know that if he says he will meet you at 5pm, then he will be there at 5pm. If he is late, you also know that his reasons for being late are more than just mere excuses.
Another one of obvious signs of true love from a man is when he starts to say “we” instead of “I”. The use of the word “we” shows that he considers you and him as a team now, and that he is including you in his plans for the future. True love means that you are partners and you work together as a team, and that he is showing you what he wants, when he uses the word “we”. Do you find yourself keeping secrets from your partner? That’s a sure sign he or she is not the one. When it’s true love, you should find yourself wanting to share everything. Opening up the fire hydrant of your heart and gushing out your most closely guarded sources of pride and shame. And on a daily basis, you should want your beloved to know what you’re up to; whom you’re seeing,emailing and texting; what you’re thinking and feeling. Your love is made simple and true by being honest. If both the partners respect each others feelings and views then you cannot expect for anything better. Respect comes naturally for the ones you love. If your partner respects you, you are ready to go ahead with each other. You want to spend time together, and don’t find yourself looking for excuses to be alone or spend time with other people instead. You are happy just sitting together reading a paper or playing game. Many relationships are based on lies. Whether these were little white lies you told when you met or lies of omission about your past, if you or your partner are carrying these around, your love can’t be said to be true. Loyalty: Cheating comes in many forms, and we’re not going to discuss technicalities. Whether it’s a physical affair, an emotional one, issues with online chatting or pornography, or anything that you would hide from your partner, your love is not your highest priority. When you’re truly in love, doing something that would hurt your partner hurts you just as much, and should be inconceivable to you.

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