Friday 16 September 2016

After a breakup 6 questions to ask yourself before ending up in a rebound relationship

lonely and need a new commitment, these types are tagged rebound relationships 
Certain breakups can lead people to do different stuffs. While some resolve not to date and focus on themselves, others rush back into the dating pool not for a serious relationship but to date casually.

And the last ones get into another serious relationship, partly because they don't want to be lonely and need a new commitment. These types are tagged rebound relationships. 
Rebound relationships hardly end in a good way, so before going into that new relationship, Serena Crawford from Healthy Black Womancompiles 6 questions to ask yourself so you can make the new relationship a sincere and lasting one:
  1. Why am I really getting into a new relationship?: Think about it and be honest with yourself. Are you just looking for someone to fill the space in your heart that was left when you broke up with your ex or are you really looking for something sustainable?
  2. When was I done emotionally with my ex?: Even though you may have physically broken up recently that doesn’t mean that your emotions were still there. If you feel like you haven’t been in love with the other person for a long time you are probably ready to get back into a relationship.
  3. Am I really over my ex already?: If you still think about them all the time, bring them up in every conversation, and think about getting back together with them you are not over them. It is not a good idea to get into something with someone new at this point because you will not be able to develop strong feelings for them and commit to them fully.
  4. Am I trying to prove something?: Are you looking for another partner because you are trying to prove to yourself and to others that you are still a lovable person? Being single doesn’t mean that you are not desirable, it just means that you are looking for something that you haven’t found yet.
  5. Am I running from something?: You will most likely feel hurt, angry, or sad when your relationship ends but trying to be happy with someone new to repress those feelings is never a good idea. Deal with the painful feelings first and then you can heal and really make an honest go at being with someone else.
  6. Why did my previous relationship end?:  If you don’t fully understand or take the time to think about what went wrong in your last relationship you could end up making the same mistakes in the new one and the cycle will continue to repeat itself.


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