Friday 16 September 2016

Guys if you can do this 8 things,your girlfriend or wife will always Gonna beg you for s*x. CLICK TO READ

Have you been looking for ways to make your girlfriend/ wife beg desperately to have intercourse with you? Well, you just saw the right article.
1. Now, the first thing that attracts women is your physical appearance, so here are some indicators to make sure you are looking your best at all times. If you follow these steps, I tell you, your girlfriend will think Christmas will come early due to her newly well groomed boyfriend!

(A) You may think this is funny but I’m serious. Make sure your teeth and tongue are clean by brushing them twice a day. Preferably, use dental
floss and mouthwash also. The results will be lovely white teeth, and besides, who would want to kiss someone with yellow, unclean teeth and a dirty tongue?

(B) Well kept skin will look glowing and healthy if you take care of it. This can be achieved by washing your face daily with a face wash to keep spots at bay. Drink more water. Drink at least 8 cups of water a day. Mostly if you are prone to breakouts or have acne.

(C) This is my favorite part. Eat healthy and exercise when possible to achieve or maintain a healthy body. Make sure your toenails and fingernails are clean, not grubby. Also groom body hair such as trimming, shaving or waxing your chest and trimming your groin.

(D) Make sure you keep your hair healthy by getting regular trims to stop it from being damaged. Also, if you have eyebrows that meet or are extremely close, consider getting them subtly waxed so you look nice and groomed.

(E) Take care of your facial hair, by shaving or trimming- whichever you prefer.

2. Now the second thing a person notices about another is personality. You have to treat your girlfriend by spoiling her (I mean not doing it too much, too much of everything is bad). Surprise her with an evening picnic in the back garden or a park or a nice dinner. Follow the steps in How to Be a Good Boyfriend.

3. Touch her affectionately and often. The sense of touch increases intimacy. This is assuming you have been together long enough that she is comfortable being touched by you. Most ladies like it when their man touches them all the time, remember. Too much of everything is bad.

4. Be confident. Dispel all notions of timidity, and make her feel she can depend on you. Ladies want men they can rely on. But don’t be too hard.

5. This is very simple but very important: give her compliments and make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. By telling them that, you make them feel respected.

6. Make your move. Put yourself in a romantic and intamite situation with you both almost naked (in undergarments). Tell her that you want to have s*x with her. She will most likely comply. If she doesn't want to, BACK OFF. If you do not, she will then be uncomfortable with you, you will most likely never get to have s*x with her, and she might even break up with you.

7. Do it. Try to find a comfortable place to do it on, like a bed or a couch or wherever she finds nice. Talk to her. Get in the position that's best for both of you. If it seems like she wants control let her, or vice versa. Either way, as you are sliding your penis in and out try not to be too rough. A bad sexual experience can make her never want to have sex with you again. Tell her you love her as you do it, and try to kiss.

8. Find different ways to do it with each other, it will keep the relationship new and fresh. Plus it will allow you and your partner to seek each others limits and knowing where to stop or where to go on. This will bind you and your partner even more


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