Wednesday 4 May 2016

10 things every female must follow To Achieve Full Happines

Thou shalt not allow "single" or "in a relationship" to define who thine are: You've got to manifest and focus your personal potential. Your personal vision of who you are has to be greater than who's on your arm! A relationship is an equal partnership of two whole

#people coming together. Somewhere along the line this idea of needing to find the "other half" to be "complete" came to be. You are not a half person! You've got to be happy on your own first before you can be happy with and bring happiness into someone else's life. A relationship will not be successful if you can't exist independently of it. It isn't designed for you to lose yourself. A relationship is supposed to #compliment your life, not be your life.

"Single" has gotten a bad rap, but single can be awesome! Settling for someone just to say you "have someone" is the real abomination. You DO have someone! You have yourself, you always will, and that's enough. If you're single, focus less on engagement to a partner and more on engagement of self-discovery. If you're in a #relationship, remember to remember yourself. A deeper love of yourself will resonate a deeper love of your #partner. Believe in yourself and you will attract what you deserve, and what you deserve is unconditional, real love from within and without.
Thou shalt evict negativity from thy life: Negativity is quite a trickster! It can creep into our lives through events, encounters, relationships, even our own thoughts! See? Sneaky! But even though you know negativity very well and you've both gotten very close, it's #time to escort it to the door and show it out! Negativity is a strong force. It has power, and it lives. It's scarier than any monster under the #bed or boogie man because we can actually become it. The longer you allow negativity to rent out space in your mind, the sooner it will become a permanent occupant. What you project will reflect back at you, so project positivity. Actively decide that you will not accept negativity into your life. Say "goodbye" to toxic relationships. Walk away from toxic situations. Silence toxic thoughts. If something or someone is bringing you down, you have absolutely every right to say "no. I do not accept this", and leave the situation. Feel the freedom of a positive, happy life, and be thankful that you have the choice to do so!

Thou shalt rise again when thine hast fallen: Even if you're walking through life wearing Louboutin's, you're still gonna trip and fall once in awhile. There will always be ups and downs, and highs and lows - everyone experiences both sides of the coin. You may lose your balance, feel like a failure and be harder on yourself than the actual fall. But success isn't measured by how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get back up again. You are a success every day that you decide to get up and #face yourself. Think of all of the missteps that made you work harder, stand taller, fight stronger, and last longer. If you're still here, if you're still trying, you haven't failed. Don't be afraid of falling or you'll never learn how to fly.
Thou shalt not be afraid to laugh at thyself and to learn from thine mistakes: Life is too short to be constantly reapplying your #mascara! Feel free to cry, but most situations aren't worth your tears, so lighten up on yourself and laugh a little. Heck, laugh a lot! It's contagious - the good kind! The next time something unpleasant or stressful happens ask yourself, "how will this affect me in one week? One month? One year?" The obstacles you

#face will usually seem bigger in the present moment than they actually are. Something as insignificant as burning dinner or a date not returning your call, or even something more significant like a breakup or being passed over for a job, may feel like the end of the #world now, but will be trivial in the future. Finding humour during a dark #time can be the flashlight that guides you through to where the real light shines. And don't be afraid

Thou shalt treat thyself as a goddess: Believe in yourself and know your value. #People have their own opinions, and not everyone is going to like you or agree with you - but that's okay! They will create their lives on their own terms and you will create your life on your own terms. #Look in the mirror and smile. Now, give a little wave! You see that person waving back at you? That's your real soulmate! Love who you are - for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, in makeup and without, in shape or with some extra pounds, to love and to cherish as long as you live.

Thou shalt treat fellow females as goddesses: Have you ever been in the presence of a gorgeous/talented/intelligent woman and automatically your mind kicked into jealousy mode? Oh, yes it has! As has mine. You begin to think, "she may be gorgeous but she must have some other flaws somewhere! BUT WHERE?! Maybe she isn't that intelligent/kind/funny. Maybe she looks less pretty without #makeup on." It's ridiculous, isn't it - the thought that in order for you to be great someone else has to be worse? Jealousy affects us all, but it shouldn't get the better of us. I've always been a big believer in supporting and liberating fellow females - it's hard enough out there as it is without turning on each other. You need to be confident enough to celebrate the fabulousness of women - cause come on, women are amazing! There's this mindset that "if I have more, you have less, and if you have more, I have less". That is simply not true. Get rid of the idea that you're in constant competition with other women, and stop comparing yourself. Tearing a #woman down does nothing, but raising her up creates a liberated connection that all women will benefit from. Share the abundance - there's enough to go around! It's not about who's prettiest, smartest, funniest, coolest - because there's always going to be someone else in line who is, or who is perceived that way depending on who you ask. What it is about is celebrating ALL women, including yourself. If you're too busy being happy and positive with yourself then it's really difficult to get down on and be negative about someone else. The only real flaw is an ugly mind and an ugly way of thinking. Stand tall and stand up for all #women!


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