Saturday 21 May 2016

10 ways to balance career success and finding love

1Remember to get: We understand that you have goals and time waits for no one. But, you know what? A youthful perspective, good health and happiness are all important contributors to your overall success. Just as you plan your next professional goal down to the last detail, incorporate at least one big vacation per year along with periodic getaways and treat them like an important meeting. Do not cancel and look forward to them with anticipation. Who knows who you might meet and even if you don’t, you’re more relaxed and approachable when you return.

Be a little more transparent at work: 10 ways to balance career success and finding loveWhy is it that we sometimes feel we have to be one way at work and another at home? Of course there is a professional decorum that has to be upheld, but when you’re out at off-site meetings and attending conferences, it’s ok to be the woman that you are. Smile, share a funny story, introduce the human element, and before long you will start connecting with people you never planned to connect with. One of them could be “the one” or they could introduce you to a friend with similar interests who might be.

2.Remove the tunnel vision: Throughout your daily life you should stop and take in all of your surroundings. Take a different way home. Look up and smile while you’re at the grocery store. Notice the car driving next to you. Remember, the rewards in life are not only achieving the goal but also taking in the scenery along the way. Your next date may have just passed by you today, but you were moving too fast to notice.

Location: Agbara, Nigeria


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