Don't tell anybody how weak
your partner is Someone may use it against them.
Don't tell people how much
you quarrel with your partner,make them see it as perfect from outside while you settle issues from inside.
Don't tell even a best friend
how much you get as pocket
allowance from your husband, if they ask tell them that he's giving more than you expected.
Men don't tell your friends
how good your wife is in bed,
that's a secret between you and your wife.
Don't ever tell your mother the way he or she is acting in the marriage, you won't like the outcome if she's a jealous Mother inlaw.
Ladies, a friend may be eyeing your hubby and that's why you shouldn't tell them what moves him most.
Even your pastor is not
worthy to know how many
times you quarrel with your
husband, most of them will use it as sermon. Just talk to God alone.
Don't tell the children that
Also read =
father is a bad man. It can make them hate him.
Don't tell anybody your
partner's past mistakes, it is too risky for your marriage.
Don't tell anyone to try
seducing your partner to prove their loyalty. They may end up winning their love.
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