Saturday 27 August 2016

8 Things you to do make your relationship last long,you will end up having beautiful romantic relationship

Starting a relationship is always fun and exciting, but making a relationship last is hard work. Once you’ve gotten settled in your relationship, you have to maintain an honest flow of communication and to continue to cherish your time with your loved one. Making a relationship last isn’t always fun, but the benefits of maintaining a long-term and committed relationship far outweigh the difficulties that you may face. If you want to know how to make your relationship last, just follow these tips.

1. Don’t be afraid to give voice to your love. Tell him how you feel. Write a loving note or poem. Lovers have been doing this from the beginning of time because it works. Do something special on a regular basis. Call him every day just to touch base for a few minutes. Make his favorite meal once a week. Once he begins to expect these things, you will always be close to his awareness. 2. Do something special on a regular basis. Call him every day just to touch base for a few minutes. Make his favorite meal once a week. Once he begins to expect these things, you will always be close to his awareness. 3. Do something great for someone your partner loves. If you show kindness and love for someone he loves, you will earn major points. When you enter a relationship, you also enter a relationship with all his family and friends. Show him that the people who are important to him are important to you. 4. Learn what pleases your partner se xually. Make it clear that his pleasure is your pleasure, and you want to discover everything about what turns him on. He’ll be happy to have you experiment with him. Teach your partner what you like. Likewise, making you happy will make him feel good. And research shows that the se xual pleasure of one partner increases the pleasure of the other partner. 5. Admit that you’re wrong (even, on occasion, when you aren’t). This is both the easiest and hardest thing to do on this list. But this simple gesture will pay immeasurable dividends; it will help you grow and it’s just the right thing to do.

6. Make time for romance. Though “date night” may sound forced, you and your special someone should aim to have a date night at least once a week, if not more often. You don’t have to call it “date night” if that sounds too cheesy, but you should make a goal to spend some quality time together without anyone else around at least one night a week. You can do this same thing during date night, such as cooking dinner together and then going to the movies, or spice it up and do something new every time. If you’re staying in, maintain a romantic atmosphere by lighting some candles and playing some soft music. Whatever you do, make sure you have time to really talk during your special time together. You won’t be able to talk much if you’re just going to a loud concert together. Learn to say no to others during “date night.” Your girlfriends may be begging you to come out to the bars, but if you’ve scheduled a date night, tell them you can’t make it and make plans for next week. Things will break down if “date night” is the thing you’re always willing to give up. You should always look nice, tell each other how much you love each other, and compliment each other throughout the night. 7. Tell your loved one how much he means to you. Don’t ever forget to say “I love you” and take your feelings for granted. You should tell your loved one that you love him every single day—multiple times a day, if you can. Remember that there’s a difference between “love you” and “I love you”—you should really mean it when you say it. Always compliment your loved one. Tell her how great she looks in her new dress or how much you love her smile. Always thank your loved one. Don’t take his/her favors and kind actions for granted. Always tell your loved one how special he/she is. Don’t ever forget to make him feel unique.

8. FOR MARRIED PEOPLE; Keep it fresh in the bedroom. If you want to maintain a healthy relationship, then you have to maintain a healthy s*x life. Though your love*making may not be what it was in the beginning after five years together, you should still try new things in the bedroom so you’re still excited about making love with your partner and that everything you do still feels like an adventure. Make love in new positions. Don’t do the same old thing you’ve been doing, even if it works. You can even look up new positions together, which will be great for foreplay. Make love in new places. Don’t always go for the bedroom—try the couch, the kitchen table, or even check in to a hotel in the middle of the day. Try going to a s*x store to pick up some kinky items to bring into bed


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