Women are vague and mysterious creatures .
It can feel difficult to read them and impossible
to determine exactly what it is that they want.
One of the most difficult things to determine is
whether a woman you want to date, wants
anything more than a friendship.
For example:
They might agree to go on a first date with you,
but then never call or text you back. They might
act like they’re interested in you at a group get-
together, but show no signs of wanting to be
alone with you. They might even act like they’re
not interested in you at all, yet may genuinely
be looking for something more.
She Wants to Be in Your Presence Regularly.
Every time she walks into a room full of people,
her eyes seek you out first. Pay attention as this
may even be a quick, simple thing such as this:
“She walks in, views you, gives you a quick smile
and then turns to find her friends.”Still, you were first, and that means a lot! Want
to know why? Because it says that she was thinking of you before she even walked into that room!
She Discusses You with Her Friends. A girl who feels attraction to a boy will want to talk about him to all of her friends. What do
they think? Do they think he is interested in her? Wouldn’t they make such a cute couple?
What do you think his favorite color is? If you
want to know how to tell if a girl likes you, this is one of those VITAL signs you should look for.
In fact…she even initiates texting you pretty often.
This is a definite sign she likes you.
If the
lady you like is consistently initiating text
…it means you’re on her mind and she wants
to be in contact with you.
She has openly told you some personal
things about her life.
Think about the conversations you two have.
If this girl really likes you, your conversations
won’t always remain surface level. In fact,
these conversations can turn personal very
You don’t just know what her favorite movie
is……you also know what some of her biggest goals
and dreams are.
If she isn’t afraid to reveal the more personal
stuff to you, it means she trusts you. With
women, trust is not something freely or easily
Watch her body language. You can
learn a lot about a girl by observing
her body language and it goes well beyond
obvious flirting signs into unconscious
signals of attraction. There are a lot of
signs that will tell you she's interested. For
example, if a girl has her torso turned
towards you in an open manner, this
means that she is confident talking with
you. If she has a closed body position,
namely crossed arms or legs, she may be
shy or nervous to talk to you or she may
simply be creating a barrier to ward you
off. Invest in a decent book on body
language to help you learn how to
accurately read her.
Look at her friends. If you see most
of her friends glancing back at you
and smiling or giggling, this probably
means that she has told her friends about
you and they're "in the know". This can
happen at any age, although mature girls
and women friends tend to behave in a
slightly more circumspect way, using
glances and knowing smiles or nods
instead of giggles. In some cases, a friend
may actually be bold enough to come and
tell you that her friend likes you.
When she is having a conversation
with her friends, and you come over,
she might stop talking all of a sudden.
This likely means that you were
subject of the recently ended
If she likes you and she told her
friends about you, they might come
up to you and start a random
conversation about things such as:
Who would you rather date me or
(her name), who do you like better,
who is the hottest, would you marry
(her name) or me, etc. If they name
a list of about three people and her
name is in the list, she probably told
her friends about you and they're
trying to search for clues to see how
you feel about her.
In teen years, if her friends are loud
and immature, you'll most likely hear
"(your name), (her name) likes you!"
Do be aware that her friends might
be making it up just to tease her.
Listen for things like: "Stop teasing
me!" or "Be quiet! He might hear!"
Remember, if she knows you like her, she
will probably like you. When girls find out
that a certain guy thinks they are appealing
or attractive, they will start to notice him
more and might even develop a crush. So if
you like the girl, find some way to show it
and she will most likely warm up to you
Take care when you do discover a girl likes
you. If your own nerves lead you to make
fun of her in front of your friends, give her
the cold shoulder or act stupid around her,
she will lose faith in you and start to feel less
certain that you're worth the effort. Be
considerate of her feelings too.
Be alert if she asks you if you have a
girlfriend right now. Asking about your
girlfriend interest or preferences is a sign
that she's fishing for your availability details.
If she asks you to go out and do something
with her only or with another couple, this
may indicate that she is trying to send you
the message that she wants to be more than
If she is very shy, then she probably won’t be
able to talk to you face-to-face. However,
it's possible that she will talk to you online
instead; however, even for some girls, this
takes courage. If she talks to you online but
shies away when she sees you, then the odds
are she likes you a lot but is having a hard
time showing it face-to-face. Help her by
smiling and chatting about what's she's
doing, etc.
Always be yourself. If a girl likes a fabricated
you, she'll soon scratch beneath that veneer
you've tried to use and won't be impressed.
If she's not into you the way you are, don't
date her.
Have hope when your girl is shy. She is less
likely to reveal her desire for you in open
ways; you will need to be patient and
considerate. Seek to become friends before
all else, and take it slowly from there.
Do something nice like doing her a favor. If
she eventually tries to do something nice to
you back, this might be a hint that she likes
If the girl of your dreams objects to your
romantic advances, don't take it personally.
A good
relationship starts with someone
connecting well with you. Moreover, there
are plenty of other girls who will be right for
Confident girls will ask you all sorts of
intimate things. Don't assume that this
means they dig you; they may simply see
you as one of their crowd of friends and
genuinely be asking for your opinion, not
your love quotient. Be sure to use the
context around you to gauge what's really
going on.
If she brings you gifts from her trips or for
your birthday she probably likes you, and
when she points out how hard she tried to
find something you might like, she might be
giving you a hint. This only applies when
you're not already best friends.
Body language is not completely universal or
always assured as meaning what you think it
should mean. Some girls express their
feelings through different actions than
others. Take your time, find out if she's
actually interested by talking to her. A girl
that's not interested will likely try to make
excuses to end the conversation and get
away from you. Take that as a true sign!
When you engage in a conversation
with her, does she seem to tease you?
Girls like to play hard-to-get and also like
to tease guys if they like them. A slight
punch on the arm or rolling their eyes
and smiling is a big indication and points
to teasing.
Does she stay close to you during
conversation? If she is far away (this is for
when you guys are together) then she may
not have an interest in moving closer. If she
tries to move next to you, or makes excuses
to, she wants to talk to you face-to-face.
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