Monday 3 October 2016

GUYS 10 Reasons why that girl/wife will refuse to give you s*x, guys click to read this

Men are pretty simple. As long as the girl is hot and she’s open to it, he will be more than happy to have s*x. But women are more complex, both for why they have s*x as well as why they don’t have s*x.
A man being “attractive” in a general sense is not always enough for a woman to actually sleep with him. Here are some major reasons why a woman will not sleep with a man, beginning with the most obvious:

She is just not attracted to you
Maybe she likes you as a friend, or she was attracted enough to give the phone number and go out on a date, but on further inspection she doesn’t feel enough pull or enough chemistry to actually have s*x
She thinks you are a player and doesn’t want to get hurt
A woman may be very se xually attracted to a man. But if she thinks (or knows) that he is sleeping with lots of other girls, she may not want to put herself in a situation where her heart might be broken.
You slept with her friend
Or made out/ got intimate/ whatever. There is something distasteful to many women, rightly or wrongly, about having s*x with a man who has already slept with someone close to her. They want to feel that there is a unique connection, even if it’s casual.
She may feel you are extremely attractive, and she may fantasize about s*x with you. But because of the circumstances, she just will not do the deed.
1. Use of oral contraceptives.
Some women's sexual drive is decreased by the Pill (or any of the other hormonal approaches to birth control -- patch, ring, and shot).
2. Use of antidepressants.
Prozac, Elevil, Paxil, etc., have been known to lower the s*x drive
of its users and to increase body weight, which impacts reason #10, body image
3. Breastfeeding.
Prolactin (the hormone that facilitates breastfeeding) decreases sexual interest.
Plus a woman is sometimes reluctant to share her breasts with a man after the baby has been ****ing on them for milk.

4. Lack of sleep.
For most women, sleep comes before s*x once the relationship has been established. This is a very common problem in today's sleep-deprived society.
5. Stress.
Due to work, financial issues, educational stress, extended family,and other important issues in life. When stress is increased, many women do not see s*x as a solution to it, it is just one more thing to take care of and clean up after.
6. Fights with their mate.
Conflicting feelings and desires can play themselves out in refusing s*x. A woman does not feel all warm and cuddly after continuous arguments.
7. Low levels of free testosterone.
While knowing the level of total testosterone in the bloodstream can be helpful, finding out the free testosterone is very essential to discovering the possible physiological causes of low se xual desire.

8. High levels of SHBG.
A woman with high levels of s*x hormone binding globulin (SHBG), may have low se xual interest.This is because it combines with free testosterone (making it "unavailable") and that decreases libido.
9. Fear of intimacy.
The inability to handle the level of intimacy that s*x brings and maintains in a relationship is a very common reason for a decrease in se xual desire for one's partner.
10. Body image.
Women who view themselves as unattractive to their mate and/or in their own mind's eye.


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