Saturday 25 June 2016

4 Signs she is ready to drop pant because of you especially if number 3 sign keep happening

1. She Opens Up to You. To most w0men (and m’en!), s3.x is much more than a one-n1ght thing.S3.x can be vulnerable and revealing, so many w0men will open up em0tionally to am’an they want to sl3ep with.Maybe she shares with you how difficult her relationship history has been or explains something about her childhood. By doing this, she’s showing you she feel safe and comfortable with you.

2. She Fl1rts… and Fl1rts… and Fl1rts. Some guys claim they can’t tell when a w0man is fl1rting with them, but it’s often pretty clear when a w0man has tur-ned up the he’at.Does she maintain eye contact with you, Does she laugh at all your dumb jokes and tells her own, or does she send fl1rty text messages and Gc’hats to you throughout the day so you don’t stop thinking about h’er?Newsflash, g’uys: She’s not doing that stuff (and more!) simply because she’s b0red. There is something she wants, and she’s going to get it.

3. Sh’e T0’uches You A Lot. If a w0man is constantly t0’uching you, rubbing your back, holding your hand, playfully punching you in the shoulder when you tell an inappropriate joke, it’s a sign sh-e is very interested. She want something, chill guys it may not be only sex oooo, she loves you and want marriage, do you hear me. . Marriage.

4. You Make Her F3el Amazing Outside of the B3dr0om. Women like to feel good about themselves(I mean, who doesn’t?) When you make a w0man feel special, adored and beautiful, she is going to want that feeling to continue – sometimes n2ked, sometimes not.Pay attention to the way you treat her when you aren’t in a s3.xual setting and keep those positive vibes flowing!It’s important – no, crucial – to remember these examples are just indications of a woman’s potential s3.xual interest and not a guarantee she wants to sl3ep with you.Respect her, listen to her and keep it classy. Don't force woman to have sex with me,respect her,if she said NO respect that. MORE DATING AND MARRIAGE COUNSELING CALL OR WHATSAPP +2348162629186


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