Monday 27 June 2016

5 Things girls want to hear from men,number 3&4 normally makes ladies fall deeply in love with guy

I love every single part of you, perfect or not, because that’s what makes you so unique and fascinating to me. I like you for all the ways that you aren’t like anyone else. What I’m telling you right now is that I will love you unconditionally. You’re one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met, and I never know what to expect with you. I feel like I need an entire lifetime to figure out the person that you are and then some. Being bored is one of the risks of being in a relationship, but I never worry about that with you. I want you to know that you are one-of-a-kind to me. I treasure you because I know that girls like you don’t come around very often. Whenever you’re feeling down or not quite like yourself, I want you to remember that you’re the whole world to me.

Wow! You look gorgeous! Another one of things girls like to hear is a compliment. Notice when she does something different to her hair and notice when she is wearing something new. Everyone loves compliments, not just women, so don’t be shy about giving her some! Tell her how much you appreciate all the effort that she puts into looking great for you. Compliments will also tell her that you are not interested in anyone else, so it will put her mind to rest on that score too. Tell her how you feel, Don’t be afraid to tell her how you feel either, because that shows that you are being honest with her and that you trust her enough to open up to her. Tell her how much you love her, but also tell when you are scared. Sharing your innermost emotions with her can only bring you closer together. I love it when you… You know all those sweet little things that she does for you? Well, tell her that you do notice them and that you do appreciate her doing them. A little bit of appreciation never goes amiss, so don’t let all these little things that she does go unnoticed.

I WANT TO TAKE YOU SHOPPING!- Well, this is a treat, and we understand that cannot happen on the regular, but seriously – many of us are socialized to love this shopping stuff, so indulge us when you can. Telling a woman that you want her to meet your friends is another one of those things girls like to hear and it shows her that you want her to be accepted by those friends and, it also shows her that you have no secrets to hide. She wants to be a part of your life, so let her in, and she will feel even closer to you then she did before.

Tell her The truth, One of the most important things girls like to hear is the truth. This is more than just a cliché, this is a fact! Don’t spin stories of how the dog ate her birthday card, or how the jumia delivery guy got mugged in your street on his way to deliver her birthday gift. Tell her the truth and admit that you forgot it was her birthday and then say you are sorry too! She won’t be impressed by your temporary amnesia, but she’ll be even less impressed by a lie that she will see straight through anyway. Be romantic, “You are the first real woman in my life” Tell her that she is the first woman in your life that you have truly loved, and that will make her feel really special. Don’t make it sound like you have said it a million times before, to a million other women, though, or it will kind of lose its effectiveness!


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