As a Professional Counselor, I’ve worked with far too many broken individuals and
have endured one too many heart-breaking marriage counseling sessions
not to graciously ask you to rethink your decision to get married if you and/or your
fiance exhibit any one of the following sign:
Every time you're have problems with your partner in dating. Love doesn’t conquer all, and we see that
evidenced by the disastrous divorce rates
both inside and outside of our church.
Today, most men and women go into
marriage with high hopes, but slim to none
with regard to preparation, and end up
struggling through the pain of an unhealthy,
dysfunctional, even catastrophic marriage
Marriage is not an easy journey, and when
the rubber meets the road, those who go
into it ignoring the warning signs will
always reap the harsh reality of the seeds
they’ve sown.
When it comes to love, almost every single
person will have a doubt at some point in
their relationship. It’s normal to have
moments of doubt, to get cold feet every
once-in-awhile, and to feel a little nervous
when it comes to thinking through the
potential of lifelong marriage. But in a healthy
relationship, time will always decrease doubts
and fears. As time passes, the level of doubt
and fear should not increase, but decrease. As
you see your partner’s traits and qualities
slowly unfold, the right relationship will move
you into peace not panic.
If you’re having constant, recurring, obsessive
doubts it’s a signal that either something is
wrong in the relationship, or something is wrong.
You’re caught in patterns of unhealthy conflict and communication: I always say that communication is the life-line of a relationship. Your words are a
pathway into your soul, and being able to connect on a daily basis is an important part of marriage. If you find yourself in a relationship where communication doesn’t come easy, and where things tend to escalate
into unhealthy patterns of unresolved arguments and unhealthy conflict, it’s
important to take a step back and ask yourself
if this is really something you want to commit
to for the rest of your life.
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Your most trusted friends and family are giving you repeated warnings to rethink
your decision: When it comes to relationships, oftentimes we’re blinded by love. There could be flaws
and red flags that we don’t see because our
emotions are leading the way. But an
important component to a healthy marriage is
having a supportive community: people who
love you, believe in you, and support your
relationship. Friends and family often see
things that we’re blind to. So if you find
yourself in a relationship in which your friends
and family aren’t on board, I would highly
suggest you take their feedback into
consideration. Invite some trusted people to
speak into your life, and then take the time to
listen to what they’re saying before you move
forward in haste.
You see continued signs of major character flaws:
Listen in a healthy relationship perfection is not the goal, but rather, perspective. But there are
times in a relationship when things are actually FAR from perfect. If you’re in a
relationship in which you’re seeing patterns of
unhealthy behaviors emerge, there’s a good
chance these behaviors are going to stick
around for the long haul. Things such as
dishonesty, rage, infidelity, addictions, and the
like are patterns that point to a deeper issue.
Without a doubt, these things need to be
dealt with and overcome before you should
ever enter into marriage. People don't change oooo.
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