Thursday 16 June 2016

Ladies don't date this 3 type of guys especially number 3 if you want true love

1. Mr. I Don’t Wanna Grow Up. This guy will make you feel more like his mom than his girlfriend . He’ll have you taking care of him before you even know what hit you. And you’ll like it, because it will make you feel important. But what you don’t realize is that a relationship with this guy is sure to be one-sided. So until he’s ready to put down the video games, pay his own bills, and do his own laundry…it’s time to move on to bigger…and “more mature” things- no matter how hot he is. You deserve a partner- not someone who needs a parent
2. Is you I truly love guy. You know all about his history. In fact, this guy has quite a reputation with the ladies. So why on earth did you convince yourself that things would be different with you? This guy will leave you with a broken-heart—just like he left the string of girls before you. Yes, people can change—and no matter who you end up with, you'll have to give them grace for their past—but unless you've seen evidence of change in this guy's life, come to terms with the reality that you can’t change him with your love. Instead, find someone who you can love for who they are, not for what you hope them to be. ANOTHER ONE IS The White Lies Guy. A relationship built without honesty is really no relationship at all. I don’t care if he’s lying about his age, his past, his family or the color of his car—a lie, is a lie, is a lie. But most importantly, early on in a relationship, it’s a big red flag. This guy is marked by a pattern of dishonesty and little white lies, lies about things that might not even matter. But what matters is the habits that are being formed, and the facade that’s being maintained. A man who has nothing to hide becomes a safe place in which a woman can hide her heart. Look for that kind of a man.
3. The Out of Sight, Out of Mind Guy. This guy is sweet, charming, flirtatious and basically everything you imagined him to be—while you’re around. But when you’re not around? Well, he’s that same sweet, charming and flirtatious guy with the next girl. For him, it’s not about commitment, it’s about the moment. That’s definitely not a guy you can trust.


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