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1. The swagalicious bouncers
The Nigerian guys that fall within this group are so conscious of themselves. They believe in the have the confidence to walk up to any woman and ask her out. This confidence is not so far-fetched; having dressed in sagging jeans and some shirt with sneakers, they feel they are presentable enough for any girl to like and immediately fall for.
They however mess up the situation with the attitude they put up with it, they bounce and are so conscious of themselves to the point that they do not pay attention to what the ladies are saying.
2. Those who call you baby the first time
Some Nigerian guys do not know that women get turned off when they walk up to them for the first time and start to use words that are endearing on them. It makes them look cheap as the women keep wondering if they use these words for every woman they meet.
Those who call women ‘baby’ are usually business men who have goods on the high sea; they are boisterous and entice women with their assets.
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3. The weaklings
The Nigerian guys you will find in this category are those who feel intimidated by women and their successes. They would stick around as friends until they gather enough momentum to tell the women about their feelings. They are usually afraid of being turned down and would tag along until they feel the women are starting to acknowledge them.
4. The smooth guys
Trust me when I say the Nigerian guys in this category are good; they are so smooth they would have you trip with the silliest remark they say. Whether they make sense or not, most girls would drop their guards when men like these approach them.
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Wednesday, 1 June 2016
(MUST READ) Five Funny Styles Africa Guys Use To Toast A Woman (find Yours)
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