1. Being in love is a beautiful thing and it can make you do things you wouldn’t normally do. If you have ever fallen head over heels in love with a special someone, you will agree that love can be as dangerous a drug as cocaine or heroin. The effect of being in love on the brain is comparable to the effect of the chemicals that are released when you take cocaine or heroin. If you have heard that love makes people crazy or stupid, it could be because being in love actually does make chemical changes to the brain. Because the feeling of love is so addicting,some people have been known to do very crazy and stupid things. Below are some things which many consider stupid that women do in the name of love,especially in the early stages of their relationship. Remain in an abusive relationship : Why would you remain with a guy who beats you blue black on a regular basis just because you are in love? Stop deceiving yourself that he will change better run for your life before he ends up killing you. There are better men out there.
Thursday, 2 June 2016
1. Being in love is a beautiful thing and it can make you do things you wouldn’t normally do. If you have ever fallen head over heels in love with a special someone, you will agree that love can be as dangerous a drug as cocaine or heroin. The effect of being in love on the brain is comparable to the effect of the chemicals that are released when you take cocaine or heroin. If you have heard that love makes people crazy or stupid, it could be because being in love actually does make chemical changes to the brain. Because the feeling of love is so addicting,some people have been known to do very crazy and stupid things. Below are some things which many consider stupid that women do in the name of love,especially in the early stages of their relationship. Remain in an abusive relationship : Why would you remain with a guy who beats you blue black on a regular basis just because you are in love? Stop deceiving yourself that he will change better run for your life before he ends up killing you. There are better men out there.
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