2# The Slimy Vi rgin Is no vir gin at all but a slimy Riccardoella limacum slug(a parasitic slug ) who will tell you he is a virgin just so he doesn’t have to use a condom. When you present him with a silicon protector he'll push it aside claiming “We don't need to use a condom,I'm a virgin.” “ I’m clean ,I never had se x before.” Lies!! ……………..
4# The Admirable Vi rgin Is the exact opposite of The Defected Vir gin. He has rejected the notion of defection He shakes his head at the wild claims and speculations surrounding his virgin status He has chosen for whatever reason not to have se x at this time. He's a grown (bleep) man who is capable of deciding what 2 do with his own body. ……………
. 5# The Convicted Virgin Is a subcategory of The Admirable Vir gin He is likely a church boy A man of faith/religion and has a heart conviction. He has made a decision to uphold his faith and wait for marriage Ladies step aside and tempt him not!!!
6# The Ro mantic Vi rgin …...aka Mr.Romantic Is also subcategory of The Admirable Virgin This man has made up his mind that he will give himself to some1 special when he does have se x it will be meaningful and possibly with his wife. …………...
7#The Teen Vi rgin Despite popular belief all teens are not sneaking out to parties to have sex Teens are majorly vir gin Even at 18-19. ………….
8# The Born Again Vir gin Is a secondary virgin. He has become vi rgin again by ether his faith or by taking a spoken/or unspoken vow of celibacy ………..
9 #The over 25 vir gin Surprised? Not only do male vir gins exsist but there are actually men over 25 who haven't had se x for whatever reason ……... 1
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