Sunday 24 July 2016


In everything we do, there are things to learn,and a good relationship isn’t an exemption. When in a good relationship, you have to value that relationship with your partner truly or you might lose it before you know it. They say ‘good things don’t last forever’; that I truly doubt, but what I’m sure of is that, if you don’t value a good thing then it definitely wouldn’t last forever. Below are just some of the things you should learn when in a good relationship, else you might lose it soon.

YOUR PARTNER’S TRUST IS IMPORTANT: Trust is important in a relationship; your partner need to trust you and you also need to trust your partner. If you have a partner that you can trust then you truly have to earn the trust of that partner as well. A lot of good relationship values can be built when there is trust, and the trust shouldn’t be jeopardized because once trust is broken, it’s hard to regain. DON’T HIDE YOUR FEELINGS: You can’t hide your feelings or bottle it up and expect things to sort out itself. You need to tell your partner how you feel about him/her. When you know you are in a good relationship, it’s important your feelings for your partner are made known because it can ignite a passion that would take the relationship to a greater height. Sometimes, all a partner needs to hear is how much you feel about them. Also, you shouldn’t hide your emotions; if you have something in your mind that’s eating you up, you have to tell your partner in a calm way rather than bottle it all up. FORGIVENESS IS IMPORTANT: We all make mistakes, and if forgiveness doesn’t exist in any relationship then there would be nothing like a successful relationship. When in a relationship that you value and one that you know is a good relationship then you just have to be ready to forgive. If you can’t learn how to forgive then you don’t also deserve forgiveness, and when forgiveness is lacking in a relationship, even the greatest of relationships would die slowly. ADMIT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG: This is also important; it’s extremely wrong to claim right when you’re wrong, this can kill a relationship. Some have this habit of always being right every time, even when they do a wrong; this habit can kill a relationship. A simple “I’m sorry, it was my fault” can save your relationship and make it stronger by a thousand times. NOT ALL QUARRELS ARE HEALTHY: Yes, not all relationship quarrels are healthy; some can lead to something even worse, some can bring hate and enmity, some aren’t just worth it at all. When you see an argument is going the wrong direction, it’s best you calm down at that point. Quarrels can hurt a relationship, even a good one; this is something that you should learn.

THE RELATIONSHIP ISN’T ONLY ABOUT YOU: You have to know this – selfishness is not an option in a relationship, a good relationship especially. Don’t make the relationship all about you – if it always has to be what you say, what you want, what you like and the rest of it then you are totally wrong. Your partner has feelings and emotions as well, and that’s important. Learn not to lose a good relationship just for your selfish interests. YOUR PARTNER DESERVES RESPECT: Respect is highly important in a relationship; a relationship no matter how good it might look won’t be successful unless respect exists. A man not hitting his lady is respect, a lady listening to her man and vice-versa is respect. Respect can be shown in so many ways, and it is highly needed for the relationship to be successful. YOUR PARTNER NEEDS COMPLIMENTS: If you are in a good relationship with a good partner, then what are you waiting for? You need to make your partner feel good by complimenting him/her; that thing that makes you feel special about your partner should be complimented. No matter what, everyone loves a compliment, be it man or woman; so don’t make the mistake of thinking your partner doesn’t need compliments. Compliment your partner in everything. BE GRATEFUL: Most people are unappreciative of their partner; they only do so when that partner has only done something highly remarkable. This is totally wrong; be grateful for everything your partner does to make you happy, no matter how little it is.


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