Tuesday 2 August 2016


Things You Shouldn't Do After A Break Up: We have all had our hearts broken. When it
happens to you personally, it’s devastating and
while people can relate, they aren’t in that
moment. The pain is there and it’s real for you.
Sometimes it feels like you’re completely helpless
and you’ll never get past the suffering.

The important things to remember are that there are
people there for you and that there is always a
light at the end of the tunnel and ways to help
you get there.
You just went through a breakup, and seems like
someone just turned off the lights and there is no
sunlight and the birds are singing death metal songs.
You suddenly love the color black, and dark eye
shadows, and want to kill people. In short, you are in
a dark place.
You also know the damage is irreparable. You cannot
get back with him/her. It is finally over. People do
stupid things after such a phase because such a
strong bond is broken and it addles your brain and
fills it with the dark sludge the devil uses to quench
his thirst, i hope you
learn one or two things from the article

1. Don’t Beg:
For God’s sake, don’t beg! Begging after a
breakup only makes matters worse. It makes you
appear pathetic and it can be very irritating.
Maybe you don’t understand why it ended.
Maybe you think it ended for the wrong reasons.
Maybe you’d just rather be in a bad relationship
than be in no relationship at all. No matter what
you do, don’t beg for him/her to return. Deep
down, you know that you don’t want to be in a
relationship with someone you had to beg to be
with you. Besides, if your ex rejects you a second
time, it won’t just hurt; the rejection will sting
with extra humiliation and regret.

2. Don’t Seek revenge:
Don’t seek revenge. It serves no purpose and it
will only make you feel worse about yourself.
Don’t destroy his things, don’t speak evil of her.
The thrill of revenge only feeds bitterness and
hatred. You may have been deeply wronged, but
“getting even” won’t heal any wounds. Forgive
and move on. Carry your head high and spend
your energy on people who deserve it.

3. Don’t Communicate With The Person
Don’t continue to communicate regularly with
your ex. Breakups leave a void in your heart
where your ex once occupied but constant
calling and texting won’t fill that void. Every time
you drop the phone without saying “I love you”,
your heart will break all over again. Many people
feel lost after a breakup; not because they miss
their ex, but because so many of their daily
habits once revolved around someone else. Give
yourself some time to adapt to single life.

4. Don’t Visit Their Facebook Page
Social media can be a heartbroken person’s
worst nightmare. Resist the urge to post anything
about your breakup online, don’t insult your ex
on twitter and don’t be a constant visitor to his/
her Facebook page. Seeing pictures of your ex
happy or with someone else can compound your
problem and make your life more miserable than
it probably already is.

5. Don’t Give Up
Regardless of how the breakup made you feel,
don’t let it destroy your hope. Continue taking
care of yourself. Take some time to refocus and
pursue the things you’ve always loved to do.
Spend time with loved ones. You found love
before and you will find it again. Learn what you
can from the relationship that just ended and
move forward. Don’t give up on meeting your
perfect match. Be thankful that the wrong
relationship ended to free you up for the right

6: Don't Try to be “just friends.”
Very rarely can a breakup lead to a solid
friendship, and until you’re okay with the idea
of your ex dating someone new — and vice
versa — you’re not ready to be pals.
Create intentional space for a while and let
yourself mourn the end of the relationship. If
your ex is pushing for friendship, stand your
ground if you’re uncomfortable with the idea.
Right now, you’re not looking for a friend who
looks exactly like the person who broke your

Don’t rub your new “singleness” in his face.
Posting a picture with a guy or being at the same
party as your ex and flirting with every guy there
may seem like good ways to make him jealous—
and it may work, but what’s the point? It will
make you look immature (and even a little bit
crazy) and will probably lead to nothing but a
fight or some bad feelings toward each other.
Remember, jealousy is a two-way street: Do you
want your ex to do that kind of stuff to make you
jealous? Didn’t think so.

Let yourself mourn. Cry. Punch a pillow.
Journal. Surround yourself with friends who
listen. The temptation may be to pretend
you’re unaffected by the breakup; don’t let
pride get in the way of being real. You don’t
have to sob at the office, but take some quiet
moments to reflect and be honest with
yourself. It’s okay to be angry, hurt or
humiliated. It’s healthier to express yourself
honestly than grow numb.

9: Sleeping together.
Don’t do it. No woman on her deathbed says,
“I really wish I slept with my ex-husband one
last time.” Let the break be clean. Don't go back to continue suffering because of s*x.

10: Determination: if you really want to move on after breakup, you need to be determine and focus, do whatever you can to forget your ex, going back to them may cause more pains and sorrow, be determine to let go of the agony relationship. MORE DATING AND MARRIAGE COUNSELING.... CALL OR WHATSAPP +2348162629186


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