1. A SUDDEN INCREASE IN LATE NIGHT WORK OUTSIDE THE HOME AND TRAVEL COULD INDICATE YOUR PARTNER IS CHEATING ON U. It may just be innocent and maybe they have a new boss making her stay behind for women and for men there must be a sexy new secretary that they are suddenly paying a lot of attention to. So the best things to do call him or her at that time you expect such dirty to be happening.
2. A SUDDEN DECREASE IN SX DRIVE COULD MEAN THEY ARE GETTING IT ELSEWHERE. A temporary reduction in s*x drive could just be related to increased stress or job duties. It could also indicate medical problems that should be referred to a doctor. Like prostate or urinary trouble. But, a sudden decrease in s*x drive equipped with sudden late night work at the office or work definitely means your lover might be cheating on you.
3. GETS DEFENSIVE IF YOU ASK QUESTIONS; Beware if he/she acts guilty if you ask questions or try to probe. Life should be an open book for two individuals in love and if you're sharing his/her life and /or bed you have a right to certain answers. If he/she starts acting defensive or gets irritable and wants to avoid answering you'd better watch out!
5. UNEXPLAINED EXPENDITURES; If his credit card bill can be fixed at a certain average amount and it suddenly keeps escalating, he could be buying some Lavish gifts and if you're not on the receiving end, you might like to find out who is.
6. HE REEKS OF PERFUME THAT'S NOT YOURS; If you've got the nose of a bloodhound and you smell a flowery fragrance on him or if she doesn't smoke yet you keep finding her reeking of tobacco because she has been with a guy puffing cigar, be on your guard.
7. IF HE/SHE STARTS PAYING EXTRA CARE TO HIS APPEARANCE; after being in a relationship for a while, most people get complacent and start neglecting their appearance. If he/she is one of those, and suddenly starts taking extra care to be impeccably groomed, they could be trying to impress someone else.
8. INDIFFERENCE; If you find your partner indifferent,unresponsive or uncaring you have a problem on your hands. If he/she is not cheating, you need to anyway tackle the problem and figure out what it is.
10. WANTS PRIVACY; If he/she wants to be left alone when on the telephone or stops in the middle of a phone conversation when you enter the room and tells the caller he/she will call back, ask yourself why? There many more endless ways to tell a cheating partner but those are the major ones. If a relationship has to be successful, both partners must trust implicitly. It is not healthy to be wary in a relationship or on your guard all the time. Also, your partner should exhibit not just one or two but most of the above signs before you begin to suspect them. You should know your partner well enough to figure out when you should be suspicious. But then, you also thought you knew them well enough to think they would never cheat on you. But be warned, sometimes, despite thinking we know it all we are dead wrong. Probe beneath the surface before you assume the worst. ALWAYS TAKE YOUR TIME AND ANALYSE YOUR LOVER. DON’T ACCEPT TO BE FOOLED BY THAT TIME WASTER WHO TAKES U AS A PART TIME OR LEISURE TIME LOVER. MORE DATING AND MARRIAGE TIPS AND COUNSELING, CALL OR WHATSAPP +2348162629186
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