3. Never Stop Courting Your Partner While those late nights you had while dating — staying up till 2 A.M. talking, feeling too excited to sleep — don't last forever, the idea of courting your partner should never totally disappear. When we first meet people, we are very observant. We go out of our way to do small things to show them that we care. We learn all we can about them and continually try to make a good impression. Eventually, especially once we feel established in a relationship, we sometimes forget to make our partner a priority. We get caught up in our own lives again and have to go back to "reality". But that initial love and attention was not some fantasy world — you can maintain that connection by remembering to return to those courting behaviors. Remember your partner's likes and interests might change, and there is always more to learn about them. Remind yourself that you should keep trying to impress your partner, no matter how long you've been together. To really establish and maintain a close connection, make your courtship last forever.
5. Be Patient With Your Partner: Avoid forcing your lover to do something against his or her wish. Let everything happen in the right time. There is no need to rush.
6. Be An Understanding Partner: Try to believe what your lover tells you, if he tells you that he failed to get airtime to call you, try to understand. He’s also a human being like you. If she tells you that by the time you called her, she was asleep–please try to understand. Understand your partner in everything. Understanding is important in relationship and marriage.
7. Make your decision to love your husband or wife unconditional non matter the challenges.
8. Always Forgive And Forget: Avoid bringing back the old things your lover did to you in the past every time you get a quarrel.
9. Maintain The Communication With Your Partner: Try keeping in touch with your partner, call or text him or her—At least once in a day. Don’t allow your lover to start missing you. Be closer in any possible way.
11. Avoid Listening To Rumors: these rumors are spread by jobless people. They keep gathering false information and then they spread it to you. Majority of them have intentions which aren’t good. Some are even interested in your lover, they admire the way he/she cares and loves you. So give them a deaf ear. DON'T FORGET TO SHARE THE UPDATE. MORE DATING AND MARRIAGE TIPS AND ADVICE, CALL OR WHATSAPP +2348162629186
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