Wednesday 31 August 2016

4 simple ways to make him a better half

Partners are expected to support and help each other grow as a couple and as individuals in their relationship.

 4 simple ways to make him better Being in a relationship doesn't just require loving each other. Both partners are expected to support and help each other grow as a couple and as individuals. This is a responsibility for both the man and the woman. Today, we will look at four (easy) ways ladies can help their partners become better.

 1. Set Him Up to Win. Think of your early dates as a chance to leave clues about your expectations with a little technique called pre-framing. Say: "My friend gets annoyed because her boyfriend never opens the car door for her. It's a shame when guys don't do those little things." He may not have even considered opening the car door, and all of a sudden, it's priority number one. 2. Avoid Labels. If you label someone lazy or a liar, he'll feel like that for a long time. Worse, guys lose motivation to change when they feel like your perception of them is set in rocks. Give him space to still win with words like, "When you didn't come to dinner with my parents, it felt selfish, and I know that's not who you are. It would mean a lot to me for us to spend time with them the next time."

 3. Make It About Your Joy. Yet, Not His Failure. He's more of a slob than you? Instead of condemning, state your standards: "I need to live in a place that's clean. I respect that it's not a big deal to you, but it's important to me to enjoy my home." This removes ego. He'll be happier to please you than admit he's wrong. 4. Reinforce His Best Moments. When he does something even a tiny bit right, give him love and attention for it. He gives you a small surprise? Tell him, "It's so sexy to have a man who takes care of me the way you do." Anything that a man hears that's sexy is gold to him. (Warning: Do not use this power for evil!)




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