Monday 26 September 2016

5 Ways to get a girl to have s*x with you and she will end up demanding more; GUYS Click to read

Without exception, this is the question every male on the planet wants to know the answer to.
However, many men go through life struggling to understand how to get a girl to have s*x with you. And it really doesn’t have to be like that as girls love s*x and want to have s*x just as much as men do.
In fact, I believe girls enjoy s*x more than guys and as our society becomes more open about s*x this is slowly becoming more apparent.

The current generation of young girls are se xier than the last generation and are not afraid to wear very revealing clothes, ask guys out, initiate a se xual encounter and even post nude photos of themselves on the internet. If you don’t know how to get a girl to have s*x with you, you seriously need to keep reading.

Be dependable. If you want to make your girlfriend want to have s*x with you, then you should show her what an amazingly dependable guy you are. If your girl is going to trust you enough to have s*x with you, whether it's her first time or if she's had s*x before, then she has to feel like she can depend on you. One of her fears may be that as soon as you have s*x, she won't be able to rely on you anymore because you would have gotten what you wanted. So, prove her wrong by being an upstanding and dependable guy.
Show up when you say you're going to show up. If you routinely pick her up half an hour late for your dates, she'll think that you don't think she's so special, and she'll be less likely to have s*x with you.
Don't be a flake. If you say you're going to take her to the beach over the weekend, do it. If you don't stick to your word, she won't be able to trust you.
Be her rock. Let her talk to you about her problems and insecurities while knowing that you can make her feel better.
Don't go hours or even a day or two without returning her phone calls or texts. This will make her feel like she can't depend on you.

Be loyal. If you want to make your girlfriend trust you, then you have to be loyal to her. She'll never have s*x with you if she thinks you're talking to or checking out other women, or even hanging out with other women. Though you don't have to be rude to or ignore other women, you should have a laser-sharp focus on your girlfriend so she knows that you will always be there for her, especially after you start having s*x.
Spend lots of time with her. Make sure that you plan at least one or two dates every week and that you check in with her at least once a day if you're not together.
There's a difference between being loyal and being possessive and smothering your girlfriend with affection. You should make a point of seeing her when you both want to hang out, but don't try to see her 24/7 or she'll begin to pull back.
You should not only show your girl that you're loyal by being loyal to her, but by showing that you're a loyal sibling, friend, and teammate. Show loyalty in many aspects of your life and your girl will be impressed.

Build up the se xual tension
Se xual tension in the office
Sometimes, a woman will be horny and ready for s*x without you having to do anything to get her in the mood. Yet, in almost all cases, most women need you to turn them on by building up the s*xual tension between you.
What is se xual tension?
Se xual tension: An exciting feeling that occurs when a man and woman feel se xual attraction for each other, but the escalation to s*x is being delayed by them, the environment or circumstance (e.g. they work together, she doesn’t want to look too easy in front of her friends by hooking up with him too quickly, he is already in a relationship with another woman, they are engaging in enjoyable foreplay for a few minutes before s*x, etc).
Whether you are meeting a woman for the first time, trying to get out of the friend zone with a woman you have a crush on or are 20 years into a marriage, the same rule applies.
Women LOVE the exciting feeling of releasing built up sexual tension with kissing and s*x. So, don’t ignore the power of sexual tension when it comes to s*x!
Se xual tension being released with a kiss
When you build up sexual tension correctly, a woman not only wants to have s*x with you, but she also feels like she NEEDS to have s*x with you to release the built up tension between you. S*x becomes something that she really wants to do with you. She feels the tingle down there and wants to get you inside.
However, if there isn’t much or any se xual tension present between you and a woman (e.g. you haven’t been actively making her feel attracted to you while interacting with her, she only sees you as a friend, you have been together for 10 years and you can’t be bothered trying to build up se xual tension with her, etc), the idea of having sex won’t feel very appealing to her

Spend more time with her. If you want to have s*x with a girl, the only time you can work your magic is by getting some alone time with her. You need to flirt se xually and make her feel comfortable to be with you. But you can’t do that when there are other friends around.
Behave normally when there are other friends with her, but the second they walk away, say something like, “whew… now I get to spend some alone time with this sexy girl…” or something else that makes it clear that you find her attractive in a more-than-just-friends kind of way.
Touch her. And excite her. The touch is a very powerful way to send the right signals across without seeming desperate. Look for ways to touch her arm or clasp her hand at the opportune moment. The more you touch her delicately and sensually, the more se xually turned on she’d get

Often, what a man says is more important than what he does when he’s trying to get a woman in the mood. “Offering compliments is usually a sure-fire way of making someone want to get closer… although, if the compliments come across as insincere, they will actually turn her off,” says Meston. To score extra sincerity points, make references to future activities you’d like to do together, explains Meston, noting that showing signs of commitment can often be se xually alluring to women. Buss also notes that a man with a sense of humor is also a se xual turn-on for the ladies: “If a man can make a woman laugh, it relaxes her and makes her feel that he ‘gets’ her,” he says, adding that a good sense of humor also conveys some key qualities women want in a mate: intelligence (it’s hard to be witty if you’re not too bright), the ability to gauge her emotional and social perspective (a.k.a. having the mind-reading skills to know what she will find amusing), and social verve or confidence.


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