1. You can never see a perfect
person on earth. Therefore never
you expect your spouse to be
100% perfect in character and
looks. Everyone has at least one
error in him/her.
2. Both you and your spouse came
from different families with
different home trainings.
Therefore, do not expect your
spouse to posses exactly all the
things, behaviours, norms and
values that you like.
3. Marriage is a learning
Institution where we learn, adapt
and adjust to blend with each
4. Quarrels or misunderstanding
must surely arise between
husband and wife sometimes. It is
5. A successful marriage requires
the maturity, tolerance and
patience of both husband and
Therefore, stop searching for a
perfect person to marry. Search
for a person who can accept you
despite your errors, who can
tolerate your short comings and
who can cope with your
You should also be able to cope
with the person's short comings
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