Monday, 31 October 2016

3 Things that lead women cheating on their man,I swear guys,if you can solve this 3 things, no woman will ever cheat on you,CLICK TO READ

How long can you go without receiving love and attention before you look somewhere else? Some can go for only days or weeks, and others can go for years. However, in general, women need and desire intimacy, physical touch, and mental and emotional attention.

If you are not receiving this from your husband or boyfriend, it will only be a matter of time and you may seek it from another i.e. a caring guy friend, the attentive guy who feeds your emotional needs at your workplace, or the hot trainer at the gym. Women deprived of attention, compliments, and compassion; usually have emotional affairs. That doesn't mean it won't lead to s*x, but initially they crave the attention and compassion that has been absent from their relationship.

Feeling under-appreciated:
When you are in a relationship, you like to please your man. Cooking a romantic dinner, buying se xy lingerie, and listening with your heart, are just a few ways you may show your love and appreciation. So what happens when you don't hear "thank you, please or I love you.” Holidays and birthdays come and you don't receive anything meaningful, nothing at all, not even a verbal acknowledgment. We all have thresholds, and once yours is reached, you may decide to act on a "thank you, please, or I love you" coming from another direction. Let your man know he may lose you if he continues to take you for granted.


He doesn't spray on that good smelling cologne anymore, his clothing is wrinkled, stained or way out-of- date. When he comes home from work (assuming he has a job), it's the same old thing; "what's for dinner"? When the weekend comes, he says he's tired and just wants to relax at home, or go out to the same sports bar you go every weekend.
The routine is the same over and over again. You are no longer on the same page. You barely have anything in common. You are feeling emotionally distant from him. You find yourself looking at other prospects and fantasize about being with someone else. You begin to feel excited (something you haven't felt in "forever") just thinking about it.There are many ways to spice up an old, tired relationship. Boredom is something that can be resolved with a little, or sometimes a moderate amount of effort. It requires both of you introducing new ideas and behaviors, and some spontaneity. Be sure of what you want.

Bad s*x:

Women need to feel desired and experience REAL orgasms during sex. if a women the s*x, not enough sex, non-emotional s*x, or "wham-bam-thank-you-mam" s*x, you may eventually lose interest in the relationship and look elsewhere for GOOD s*x! This creates a temptation to seek sexual or emotional satisfaction elsewhere. In my opinion, it's best to communicate your needs to your man with the hopes that he will step it up a notch. You can do this on your own or with the help of a s*x therapist.


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