Saturday, 3 September 2016

Try Do this 6 things you will have wonderful and beautiful relationship, Click to Read this

"Why do I always have to be the one to make the first move?" Has it been a while since you two have connected? Are you wrapped up in the cares of this world (job, hobbies, television, and other things) that take your time away from each other? Maybe you spend time together as a family with your children, but not focused specifically on each other. Fall in love again, be excited about seeing each other at the end of the day and yes, make love that is tender and sweet and gentle, not perfunctory. Life is too short to waste it being unhappy.I know you men are probably saying

"Why do I always have to be the one to make the first move?" or "What if I try all of these things and she doesn't respond? I've just made a fool of myself!" Excuse me for saying this, but it is exactly this type of thinking that may have caused you to grow apart in the first place. Women/Men, please, swallow your pride and try these things. What have you got to lose? Instead of holding on to all that pride, hold on to her! You are obviously reading this because you are looking for help in your relationship. That was not an easy step to take, but at least you took it. I commend you for wanting to work on your relationship and make her love you even more than you ever thought possible.

1. Give him romantic kisses instead of pecks. Long hello kisses tell him you’re glad to see him, long good-bye kisses tell him you can’t wait until he returns, long thank-you kisses tell him you really appreciate what he did for you, and “hey you, kiss me” kisses tell him you want him. Benefit to you: He’ll feel more connected to you and look forward to being with you. Why it works: Physical connection is the only way most men know how to be intimate is what makes your relationship special.

2. Flirt with him. Be playful, tease him, talk se xy once in a while, gaze into his eyes with a “come here, big boy” twinkle, offer se xy kisses and physical touches. Why do we think we can quit doing the things we did when we were first falling in love and expect our relationship to stay strong? The relationships that endure are those where the couple stays “in love”. That means flirting, being playful, being sexy and sensual, and remembering why we fell in love in the first place. Benefit to you: You’ll both feel younger, friskier, and more in love. Why it works: Flirting is a kind of play and playfulness helps cement your bond. And adding se xual energy to the mix keeps the se xual side of your relationship alive and vibrant. Remember this, when the se xual side of your relationship dies, you become roommates at best

3. Let Her Feel Pampered. When is the last time she did something for herself? It's probably been quite a while, especially if she works full-time and you have children. Make the appointment for her to have a manicure and pedicure. Tell her in advance that you have a surprise for her and she needs to set aside the time. Take her there yourself and tell her you're treating her to this. Tell her to call you when she's done and you'll come get her. She'll feel like the luckiest woman in the world for having such a sweet man.

4. Be a Giver, Not a Taker. I know there are some men out there that are saying to yourselves, "She's going to walk all over me if I do these kinds of things for her." Just let me say that the kind of men who think this way are usually takers and not givers. But I'm telling you right now, if you have a good woman by your side and want to keep her, you're going to have to learn to give. Just as I said earlier, this article is based on two principles, one of which is "there is more happiness in giving than in receiving." If you love someone, truly love them, you will do whatever you can to keep them by your side and loving you back. Granted, there are some women who will not love you and appreciate you no matter what you do for them. But you are not with that woman, or you wouldn't be reading this article to learn about some simple little things to keep your woman in love with you. You already have a good woman by your side, and you want to keep her. Trust me, a good woman will not only think you are the greatest thing since sliced bread when you become a giver, and she will respond to your love one hundredfold! That's why there is more happiness in giving! You're going to get back that much, and more. Try it and you will be amazed.

5. Don't Give Her a Reason to Hate You Don't let your anger get the best of you. Everyone argues. No couple gets along all of the time. There are going to be disagreements. But before your temper gets out of control, causing you to resort to foul language and name-calling, take a breather. Both of you need to go to separate rooms and cool off. We have all done it. You are so angry that you shout out the most hateful or disgusting thing you can think of. As soon as you said, it, you knew as soon it was the worst thing to say, but you can't take it back. The damage is done, and you may have hurt her feelings so deeply it will take months to repair the damage and win her approval again. She may end up forgiving you, but whether you want to believe it or not, she lost some respect for you. So, men, take control of the argument before it gets too heated and say, "Let's take some time to cool off and then we will come back and discuss this when we are both calm." She will thank you for it. Then make sure of one thing: Don't go to sleep angry. Settle the matter or agree to settle it at a later time, but make peace with each other.

6. Make Her Laugh Life just gets too serious sometimes. Lighten it up. Make her laugh. You know her better than anyone, and I'm sure there are some past experiences or situations that you can remember that you laughed about. Remind her of it, if you can't think of anything new. I remember years ago, my husband had been out of work for a while. He was filling out yet another employment application for a place he really wanted to work. He was depressed because he hadn't found a job yet. Feeling that I had to lift his spirits, when he asked me "What should I put for salary?" I said, "Put YES!" We both started laughing so hard that it turned an otherwise depressing mood into a light-hearted one.


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