You need to be a good man, its necessary for a man to have good character in life, be gentle and romantic, stop treating woman badly. women need caring,appreciation and being romantic from you will make them happy
Sometimes in relationship and life, money is very neccesary, lets be honest to ourself, money is good and you need to make your relationship beautiful and amazing. I`m not saying you should start packing your money and giving girls. bro go and make money in a good ways.
NO WOMAN that don`t want good life, women like good cars, bro if you have good cars and money and good character, no woman to reject to love even if you are the most ugly man on earth, alot has been happening in the world of relationship, this days its all about good life and good relationship, as a man you need to work hard to become great man for yourself and so that you can be able to take care ypourself, wife and children
Jesus is coming soon......check out my bible group on Facebook and study God's word........the link.......Accurate bible study and teachings group...........search and be blessed